Behind the Screen - Wedding - Syvahl Map - Extra Life

Published: Aug. 6, 2018, 10:16 p.m.

Hello Adventurers!

I just wanted to take a few moments to talk about a couple things going on behind the scenes with the Adventures in Erylia family, and to explain the massive delay on this next episode.

Since the big thing to get out of the way is the episode delay, I will start there. Summer in general is a busy time. The weather is nice so people want to get out and do things more. As someone who works nights, this has meant quite a few times where I am waking up early, outside of my normal sleep schedule, and am pretty wiped out by the end of the day. Caitlin and I are also getting married barely more than a month from now. That means we are truly in crunch time for making sure everything is ready. This has meant more time being devoted to that, as well as the stress that comes from a huge event right around the corner. Things will start to normalize after that. Until then, unfortunately, episodes will come out when I can get them wrapped up, but come mid September, we should be back to a regular schedule.

So. With that explanation out of the way, what are some things going on with the show behind the scenes? Well, first off, it’s already been in an episode, but we are now able to use BattleBards’ catalog of music and sound effects in our show. I am so happy for this because they have such a wide array of ambient sounds and sound effects I have wanted to use but struggled to find reliably.

I have also been working a bit more lately on an overland map for the continent that the players are currently on, Syvahl. I’ve had a stitched together version of things I drew on notebook paper ages ago, but have struggled to turn it into a clear digital form that I was happy with. I recently started using the hex shape tool in Inkarnate to digitize this map and have been happy with things so far. Right now, as it is a work in progress, updates to it have been going out to our Patreon exclusive channel in our discord.

The last bit of goings on, and I suppose our most official announcement of it so far, is that Adventures in Erylia is joining Extra Life’s Game Day. Due to the nature of the players scheduling, we do not have a clear locked in schedule yet, but do know that there are plans to be live streaming multiple recording sessions as well as potentially playing some board games and some time spent gaming online as well. Look out for more news about Extra Life towards the end of September.

Thank you all for listening and your support.