AWW21 Middle & YA Day | Little Quirks and Grand Passions with Poppy Nwosu

Published: March 23, 2021, 4:43 a.m.

Poppy Nwosu’s quick-witted romantic comedies, Making Friends with Alice Dyson and Taking Down Evelyn Tait, romp through friendship and romance, with pitfalls cleared and life lessons learned along the way. Her delightfully quirky heroines ultimately embrace who they are – from little quirks like being captured viral-video-dancing with the school troublemaker, to grand passions like an obsession with music and tomato growing.

Join Poppy Nwosu as she talks about stories, romance, and the importance of embracing and valuing who you really are … even if that person is kind of weird.

Chaired by Kristy Fairlamb