AIPIS 103 - Jeff Barnes on Self-Directed Investing & Retirement Planning

Published: Dec. 17, 2015, 3:50 p.m.

The financial industry has their blinders on with regards to the most historically proven asset class in the world, income property. There is no governing organization that watches over real estate transactions, which is why investing in income property is still a lucrative and simple income producer. Savings vehicles such as One Participant 401Ks and IRA’s can be used as diversification platforms for entrepreneurs already investing in tangible assets such as real estate. These alternative savings avenues offer more flexibility and control compared to investing and trusting your money with large financial service organizations. Key Takeaways: [2:30] A plethora of investment options including IRA’s and 401Ks [4:06] 2 Tax codes: business owner tax code and employee tax code [6:09] Growing your money, tax deferred [7:41] Limits of contribution for the Solo-k [10:23] Diversify via real, tangible assets [12:39] The IRS is not a big, dumb government organization [15:05] Average Joe’s do not know how to handle investments [17:02] Thou shalt maintain control [19:55] Strategies for long-term investments [22:37] Hoping and praying should not be part of your investment strategy [23:20] Jeff was disillusioned by the financial industry and wanted more [27:16] A CPA is your best bet for financial planning [28:42] There is no governing body for real estate [32:54] Follow the money trail [33:31] 30% of corporate profits in the U.S. come from the financial services industry [34:42] Contact information and how to get Jeff’s book Mentions: