Wharton Lauder MBA Admissions Director Interview Available Online

Published: June 24, 2012, 3 p.m.

We hope you enjoyed our recent Wharton Lauder MBA Q&A. We certainly learned a lot about the Wharton Lauder application process and about how these two programs work together to offer students a unique learning experience. In the following excerpt, Marcy Bevan, Director of Admissions and External Affairs at the Lauder Institute, discusses the career path of the typical Lauder graduate…though as you'll see, "typical" doesn't exist at Lauder. Linda Abraham: What is the typical career path for the Lauder graduate, or is there a typical career path for the Lauder graduate? What are the kinds of positions that they typically go into? Marcy Bevan: The reason we don't discuss this on our website is because there's no such thing as "typical." There are too many variations to start talking about it. Our students have access to the Wharton Career Center, so they can go through the regular recruiting program for them. There are multinational companies which do come to campus to interview. Our students also have access to recruiters when they do their Summer Immersion programs in specific locations. So they will go visit some of the companies they might end up wanting to work for. While it's not the time to interview for a job, it's a time to start making relationships. Our students go all over the world to work. Sometimes it corresponds with the language in which they focused, and sometimes it does not correspond. Sometimes it's right after graduation, and sometimes it doesn't happen for years after graduation. They do consulting, banking, non-profit work, private equity, hedge funds, and work as general managers for companies, a lot of entrepreneurs in the crowd these days. People wanting to start their own businesses. Some of our graduates have done so, very successfully, starting when they're in school, and continuing when they're out of school. And successful ones, too. For the complete discussion, please see the Wharton Lauder transcript and mp3 audio file. For soup-to-nuts advice on writing your MBA goals essay, please see MBA Goals, a resource kit loaded with expert advice on mapping out your career goals in your MBA application. To automatically receive notices about these MBA admissions chats and other MBA admissions events, please subscribe to our MBA event list. To listen to the Q&A recordings on-the-go, please subscribe to the Accepted Admissions Podcast.  Accepted.com ~ Helping You Write Your Best