Scientology SUCKS | Ft. Leah Remini, Mike Rinder, and Jon Atack

Published: Sept. 4, 2023, 8 a.m.


Today\\u2019s episode is sponsored by BetterHelp.

We\\u2019re back with another greatest hits mashup this week, pulled together from the Little Bit Culty archives for your late listening pleasure because\\u2026well\\u2026we can\\u2019t quit you - not even for a short late summer, early fall hiatus. Can you believe some shows go on hiatus? LAMMMMMME! Not us. Breaks are for babies.\\xa0

For real though, while we\\u2019re working on fresh batches of cult-busting brand new episodes, we wanted to stir that proverbial pot a little more by revisiting one of our favorite culty topics\\u2026.Scientology.

AKA, the brainchild of L. Ron.\\xa0

You know it, you loathe it, or\\u2026maybe you just mock it. To be fair, unless you\\u2019re a Scientologist, they think you\\u2019re pretty silly too. So it\\u2019s all even-stevens

We are diving deep into the Danger Zone in this episode \\u2013\\xa0featuring 3 top guns who have taken on the Impossible Mission of exposing Scientology \\u2013\\xa0which we all know can be Risky Business.

Ok, enough Tom Cruise puns \\u2013\\xa0let\\u2019s introduce A Few Good Men \\u2013\\xa0and a super badass woman \\u2013\\xa0who you\\u2019ll hear from on today\\u2019s show.

First up is the patron saint of cult-busting, Leah Remini, who\\u2019s book Troublemaker chronicles her remarkable journey toward emotional and spiritual freedom from Scientology, both for herself and for her family.

Next is Mike RInder. Having spent his youth doing things like, for example, swabbing the decks of L. Ron Hubbard\\u2019s yacht, Rinder eventually made it into the elite sect of Scientology known as the Sea Organization, eventually becoming Scientology\\u2019s International Spokesperson and the head of its Office of Special Affairs. Then, he escaped and became a fearless and outspoken ex-member.

Last is Jon Atack \\u2013 one of the only court-appointed expert witnesses on Scientology, and his book: Let\\u2019s Sell These People a Piece of Blue Sky, about the early history of the church, is cited by academics all over the world. Jon was a \\u2018public\\u2019 Scientologist for nine years, trained as a counselor, and even did the secret \\u2018OT\\u2019 levels, but ditched it when he discovered appalling, aggressive behavior towards members. In addition to his work podcasting as a Scientology mythbuster\\xa0 and using his Instagram account to help educate people on overcoming things like manipulation, destructive cults, and abusive relationships, he\\u2019s written several novels, including Voodoo Child (Slight Return), inspired by the life and downfall of Jimi Hendrix.


Without further ado\\u2026please enjoy this Scientology Sucks, Sorry Not Sorry, A Little Bit Culty Medley.\\xa0



Let it be known far and wide, loud and clear that\\u2026

The views and opinions expressed on A Little Bit Culty do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the podcast. Any content provided by our guests, bloggers, sponsors or authors are of their opinion and are not intended to malign any religion, group, club, organization, business individual, anyone or anything. Nobody\\u2019s mad at you, just don\\u2019t be a culty fuckwad.

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Executive Producers: Sarah Edmondson & Anthony Ames

Production Partner: Citizens of Sound

Producer: Will Retherford

Senior Producer: Jess Tardy

Writer: Holly Zadra

Theme Song: \\u201cCultivated\\u201d by Jon Bryant co-written with Nygel Asselin
