Read By: Geoff Dyer

Published: Aug. 9, 2020, 3 p.m.


Geoff Dyer on his selection:

I\'ve chosen two passages, both about place. The first is from the start of D. H. Lawrence\\u2019s essay, "Taos," published in 1923. Lawrence had arrived in New Mexico with his wife Frieda at the invitation of Mabel Dodge in September the previous year. As was his way, Lawrence began making \\u202fpronouncements about the place almost from the moment he arrived.\\u202fThe second passage is from "The Country and the City" by Raymond Williams, published fifty years later, in 1973. It\\u2019s from the chapter where Williams discusses the magnificent country houses or stately homes that are such beautiful\\u2014and persistently alluring\\u2014features of the English countryside.\\u202f\\u202f

The Bad Side of Books: Selected Essays of D.H. Lawrence, edited by Geoff Dyer at

The Country and the City by Raymond Williams at

Music: \\u201cShift of Currents\\u201d by Blue Dot Sessions // CC BY-NC 2.0
