Stay Small and Succeed Fully

Published: May 29, 2019, 6 p.m.

In the realm of starting and running your own business, “success” has often been defined by how much your business grows. More clients, more money, more employees.

Of course, that’s a fallacy.

At some point the returns of growth diminish, and you’re working harder, you’re less happy, and actually making less due to an increase in overhead and stress.

Wisdom in the realm of the 7-Figure Small approach is truly knowing what you want out of your business and your life. Plus, you need to understand where the line is between good growth, and growth for its own sake.

Today, Stephanie Sammons joins us to share how she’s building her solo financial advisor practice to become a sanely ambitious business. Tune in to hear ideas that will help you decide what your ideal business looks like.

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