Utilizing your podcast for lead generation

Published: May 17, 2021, 5 a.m.

b'In your business it\'s important to make sure that you\'re consistently and regularly connecting with new leads.

But it\'s also important to make sure that those new leads are QUALITY leads.

Getting more numbers is great, but if they\'re not ideal, what\'s the point?!

Podcasts are a great way to connect with warm leads, who are ridiculously loyal, and are inspired to take action.

But time and time again, I hear from our Lead Generation Lab members and 1:1 clients that their listeners stay listeners. There is no conversion over to becoming a lead.

So on today\'s episode I\'m sharing 8 ways that you can utilize your podcast for lead generation!

Visit the links below to learn more about:

+ resources for this episode
+ how to snag the 34 Places to Promote Your Lead Magnet Guide
+ and to connect with Allison and the 6-Figure Mompreneur movement


To visit the blog post that accompanies this episode go here: http://www.allisonhardy.com/blog1/episode225

Snag the 34 Places to Promote Your Lead Magnet Guide:


Follow Allison on Instagram: www.instagram.com/allison_hardy_

Join the 6-Figure Mompreneur Facebook Group: www.facebook.com/groups/themompreneurcommunity


If you found value from today\\u2019s episode, head to iTunes and spread some love through giving the podcast a rating and a review. This helps us to reach more busy mompreneurs who are chasing down their first 6-figure year.

Music courtesy of www.bensound.com'