Episode #17: Tatiana Amico

Published: Jan. 2, 2017, 7 a.m.

In episode #17 of the Life by Design podcast with Allison Hardy I had the opportunity to interview Health Coach and Business Mentor Tatiana Amico.

Tatiana empowers women to take control of their health and life. Before doing this for herself, Tatiana was living a life that on paper looked good, but in reality was very different. She was a yo-yo dieter and negative thinker who was working hard in a windowless corporate cubicle, struggling with anxiety and depression and feeling like she was living in her own personal version of Groundhog Day. Once her son was born, Tatiana she knew she wanted to not only to finally create a lifestyle change, but also find a way to stay home with her son and do more of work she felt called to do. She took control of her life, found herself leaving diets behind, not making any more excuses, building a highly successful business, and embracing the life she wants to live. Now, Tatiana works with women who want to stop complaining, start taking action, and love themselves completely.

In our chat, Tatiana and I talk about personal development, Tony Robbins, to-do lists, and keeping up with the Joneses.

To learn more about Tatiana head to:

To join me for the 5 Steps to Overcoming Burn Out in your Business training head to:

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