Nothing to Do with a Writers' Commentary - Part 1

Published: May 3, 2020, 4:04 a.m.

b'Enjoyed the fifth series of the John Dredge Nothing to Do with Anything Show at British Comedy Guide? Eager for more? Well, here\\u2019s the next best thing. On March 1st, John and co-writer / producer Richard Cray sat in a couple of very comfortable armchairs and waffled away for several hours when they should have been quality checking the episodes. Thankfully, this was covered for posterity \\u2013 and possibly as a warning for future generations. Among the burning questions answered (sort of) in this, the first of two programmes are: Just how close did Twig Harper come to being killed off? Do aardvarks really go \\u201cgnick gnick\\u201d? Whatever happened to Richard\\u2019s TV pitch for Celebrity Russian Roulette? Why were Michael Jayston\\u2019s voice overs for St Ivel Gold so serious? Is any subject too obscure for this series? And what have the Lighthouse Family done to deserve such frightful treatment from a couple of unemployable writers in their early 50s? Part 2 tomorrow.'