Jason Scott: Great Leaders Don't Wing It; They Prepare And Practice.

Published: July 10, 2022, 9:40 p.m.

Jason Scott used to think he knew everything and that he was the only one who could do things right. However, he has since realized that this is not the case. He has learned to be curious about possibilities, to seek feedback, and to serve others first. As a result, he rarely encounters obstacles anymore.

Jason's experience highlights the importance of learning from others and being open to new ideas. As a leader, it's essential to be able to listen to feedback and take it on board. Additionally, serving others instead of simply looking out for your own interests is a key part of being successful. By doing this, you not only help those around you, but you also set yourself up for success in the future.

Jason Scott is a founder of 120VC, a consultancy that helps businesses transform the way they lead by enabling teams to reach their potential. They specialize in project and product leadership, operational efficiency, and organizational change leadership that is people-focused and outcome obsessed.

In five years, Jason hopes to be continuing to inspire people to reach for their potential in some capacity. He is motivated by the idea that everyone wants to be successful and improve their quality of life, and so enabling others to do that is important to him.

Jason's story is an inspiration to us all. Through his journey, he has shown that it's never too late to learn and grow. Additionally, he reminds us of the importance of helping others achieve their goals. We can all take something away from Jason's story and use it to better ourselves and the world around us.