Douglas Cole: The Mindset Angle Of Sales Explained

Published: July 17, 2022, 8:35 p.m.

Douglas Coles' new book The Sales MBA focuses on the mindset angle of sales, which is often less talked about but more important for top performers. Contrary to many predictions, there is a growing demand for highly skilled sales jobs in the modern economy. Whether you're a salesperson or a knowledge worker, knowing how to influence corporate buyers has become a critical skill. But most sales books tend to be narrow and prescriptive. They focus only on tactics and tools rather than principles and mindset that can re-define your approach. This is a different kind of sales book. In plain and direct language, the author shows what it means to become a Strategist, a Change Agent, and a Decision Architect. Referencing the most crucial research and a wide assortment of field experiences, The Sales MBA explains how companies compete, how organizations evolve, and how people decide. Whether you sell to companies or lead others who do, this book will strengthen your credibility as a trusted advisor.

In this interview, Douglas Cole simplifies complex concepts to make them more easily understood. He emphasizes the importance of clarity in business, arguing that it is essential for creating a clear strategy and for salespeople to position themselves as trusted advisors. Cole argues that the modern seller must bring a higher level of skill and expertise to the buying discussion to be taken seriously by corporate buyers. Ultimately, Cole provides valuable insights for anyone in business who wants to improve their clarity and understanding of the mindset angle of sales.