Search results for: paypal

Showing 20 results (1 - 20) of 898 total

The PayPal Mafia

Podcast | Ane Bung by Gaz! | 5:39

Published: June 10, 2020, 7:27 p.m.

Category: Business

b'Founders of PayPal consists of some promising leaders from the Silicon Valley. All of the members help built PayPal & sold PayPal to eBay in 2002 for a whopping $1.5 billion. Here is discuss the list of members and what they are doing right now!'

the paypal hypocrisy

Podcast | A.D. On The Radio | 50:16

Published: April 13, 2016, 4:27 p.m.

Category: Culture

b"Paul Ryan will not be running for President, PayPal takes a stand and boycotts North Carolina yet continues to do business in countries where homosexuality can get you executed. Canadian from the 80s Bryan Adams has adopted a similarly hypocritical stance against Mississippi. Trump's kids will not be able to vote for their dad in the upcoming Republican Primary. Funkhouser gets rear ended."

PayPal 1

Podcast | Paypal Merchant Account | 5 star process | 1:37

Published: April 20, 2021, 8:17 p.m.

b'PayPal Merchant Account is the payment gateway to process the payments of your buying instantly. Use the PayPal Merchant Account to pay your amount. This is a third-party processor and uses to do the payments by the customers. Additionally, the PayPal merchant account aggregates all the accounts of sellers in an enormous merchant account.'

PayPal Mafia

Podcast | AKKI & FRIENDS (because none of my friends are consistent) | 2:43:24

Published: May 2, 2022, 7:41 p.m.

Category: TV

b'It\'s just the fellas today as Camille is out for this episode. The guys get into twitter going back to free speech and what this means for Elon vs Jeff. We also discuss Elon and the PayPal Mafia. We break down the feud between Disney and The Florida government. We also discuss the social construct of relationships and Marriage. Plus more.\\n\\n--- \\n\\nSupport this podcast:'

Paypal deel 4: Een paypal rekening afsluiten

Podcast | Tech Touch | 13:30

Published: May 12, 2013, 1:31 p.m.

Category: Technology

b'We zijn aan het einde gekomen van onze reeks rond de werking van Paypal. In deze laatste aflevering toont Daan hoe je een Paypal acount kan opheffen. Ook geeft hij nog een aantal tips mee over het algemeen gebruik van Paypal. Indien je opmerkingen hebt over deze podcast reeks kan je die op deze pagina [\\u2026]'

Paypal deel 1: Een Paypal acount aanmaken

Podcast | Tech Touch | 14:45

Published: April 18, 2013, 12:07 p.m.

Category: Technology

b'Tech Touch presenteert een 4-delige reeks rond het verrichten van online betalingen. Het aantal webwinkels neemt steeds meer toe. De vraag is echter: Hoe betaal je bij zo\\u2019n webwinkel? Er zijn verschillende manieren om dit te doen. Daan bespreekt een van de eenvoudigste namelijk Paypal. Met paypal kan je ook zonder dat je in het [\\u2026]'

PayPal founder member Paul Martin on starting Paypal

Podcast | The Investor Show | 1:02:51

Published: April 21, 2017, 9:20 a.m.

Category: Business

b'Listen as Founder Paypal Team member Paul Martin discuss the start of Paypal, working with tech titians Elon Musk & Peter Thei to selling to eBay for 1.5 Billion. askprince@royalfinancials.comHost: Prince DykesMusic Producer: Byron Turner Executive Producer: Chad Davis'

Shopify PayPal Integration PayPal Will Increase Conversions On Your...

Podcast | Till Boadella Show | 3:58

Published: Sept. 15, 2016, 12:58 p.m.

Category: Business

b'I recently got a question from one of my subscribers who said he can\\u2019t use a credit card gateway and asked if having only PayPal Express Checkout on his Shopify store will suppress conversions. The short answer is: Yes, it will suppress conversions. Obviously, offering credit card payments and PayPal payments would be the ideal \\u2026 Continued\\nThe post Shopify PayPal Integration \\u2014 PayPal Will Increase Conversions On Your\\u2026 appeared first on Till Boadella.'

How to open a PayPal account/sign up on PayPal ?

Podcast | Art & Chocolate podcast | 9:15

Published: Feb. 8, 2021, 6:15 a.m.

Category: Business

b'Hi guys, in this episode, I am going to talk about how to open a. PayPal account and how to sign up on it to receive your Redbubble or POD shop income and don\'t forget to grab a free art magazine which contains our Instagram deep secrets on how to grow on Instagram and get sales, click below to download the free art magazine. For more information,\\xa0read our blog articles At For more tutorials and more art tips and so much more, don\'t forget to download our Mobile App- 60+ NICHE IDEAS FREE Guide For Redbubble-\\n\\n--- \\n\\nSupport this podcast:'

EP26. Paypal New Buttons

Podcast | ILoveEveryone microcast | 1:27

Published: Dec. 7, 2019, 12:41 p.m.

Category: Culture

b'EP26. Paypal New ButtonsRelated links for EP26. Paypal New Buttons: Reply to this episode on ykyz: ILoveEveryone microcast:'

Are Paypal and Venmo adopting Cryptocurrency??

Podcast | Xterling Report | 31:31

Published: June 28, 2020, 4:33 a.m.

Category: Business

Episode 3 - PayPal and more

Podcast | QuickBooks Labs! | 1:00:00

Published: July 13, 2020, 11:32 a.m.

Category: Business

b'Join two QuickBooks Certified UK trainers Ash and Aaron as they embark on a podcast to talk about all things QuickBooks!\\nEvery fortnight we go live on Tuesday at 4 pm\\nJoin us live to ask anything you like about QuickBooks or other accounting/bookkeeping software\\nWe cover news from the world of bookkeeping and have a deep dive into a requested topic or introduce a special guest from time to time.\\nFor more information about Ash, you can find him at\\nFor more information about Aaron, you can find him at\\nBoffix is a sponsor of this Vlogcast over at, for all your accounting and bookkeeping needs. Including discounted rates on QBO it\'s self\\nJoin us live with the following links:\\nLinks:\\nFacebook Group:\\nYouTube Live:'

Growth investing - Paypal and Square

Podcast | | 13:55

Published: April 20, 2020, 1:02 a.m.

Category: Business

This podcast covers growth investing approach , fintech sector , Paypal and Square stocks #stockinvesting #stockmarkets #stocks #investing

17- From Microbiology to Paypal

Podcast | Dear Hiring Manager | 31:44

Published: Sept. 29, 2020, 1:49 p.m.

Category: Technology

b"Growing up, Christine was pressured away from computer science as it did not come as easily to her as it did to her male peers, and her parents lacked an understanding of what careers were available in the field. It was only through having friends in computer science that she got a better idea of what being a software engineer was like and started to reassess what she wanted out of a career.  Today, she is a software engineer at Paypal. We discuss the importance of having a community, how to land internships while you're in school and how to deal with pressure. \\nTo learn more about Hatchways visit:  \\n\\nIf you would like to be a part of the podcast, let us know here:"

Stock Pick - Paypal

Podcast | Stock Watch | 2:00

Published: March 10, 2022, 4:22 p.m.

Deryck Janse Van Rensburg from Anchor chose Paypal as his stock pick of the day

PayPal Reverses with MisINFORMATION

Podcast | Derek O'Shea Show | Comedy News Politics and Culture Show | 8:52

Published: Oct. 9, 2022, 9 p.m.

Category: News

b'PayPal Reverses with MisINFORMATIONSIGN UP TO MAKE SURE BIGTECH CANT SHUT ME DOWN SO WE CAN STAY IN CONTACT HERE: derek-oshea-show.mailchimpsites.comSupport the SHOW A MUG WITH MY FACE ON IT? Reverses with MisINFORMATION#paypal #politics #breakingnews\\xa0Sources: new policy update from PayPal will permit the firm to sanction users who advance purported \\u201cmisinformation\\u201d or present risks to user \\u201cwellbeing\\u201d with fines of up to $2,500 per offense. -DW spox on $2,500 fine: "An AUP notice recently went out in error that included incorrect information. PayPal is not fining people for misinformation and this language was never intended to be inserted in our policy... We\\u2019re sorry for the confusion this has caused." - Disclose red-faced PayPal walked back a shocking new policy announcement that users who advance \\u201cmisinformation\\u201d could face fines of $2,500 per offense, saying it was all a mistake after The Daily Wire called attention to the chilling scheme.The financial services company, which has repeatedly deplatformed organizations and individual commentators for their political views, announced Saturday, one day after The Daily Wire story broke, that the announcement went out in error. - DWSUPPORT THE SHOW : Homeless Daily Comedy News Show#breakingnews #politics #politicallyhomelessEmail: derekosheashow@gmail.comYoutube:\\xa0 : Audio Webpage: https://derekosheashow.buzzsprout.comApple Podcast : : : : : : News Live,Breaking News Today,paypal account,paypal fines for misinformation,paypal account in bangladesh,paypal misinformation policy,paypal fine,paypal 2500 fine,paypal 2500,paypal misinformation,paypal news,Politics,Breaking,Current Events,US News,paypal,PayPal,Pay PalSupport the show'

187. PayPals Pandemic Profiteering

Podcast | Just Thinking Aloud microcast | 1:30

Published: May 20, 2020, 11:24 p.m.

Category: Culture

b'187. PayPal\\u2019s Pandemic ProfiteeringRelated links for 187. PayPal\\u2019s Pandemic Profiteering: Reply to this episode on ykyz: Just Thinking Aloud microcast:'

#143 PayPal Security

Podcast | RailsCasts | 11:39

Published: Jan. 5, 2009, 8 a.m.

Category: Technology

b'This episode shows how to encrypt the variables passed to PayPal and verify the authenticity of the payment notifications (IPN).'

#142 PayPal Notifications

Podcast | RailsCasts | 10:46

Published: Dec. 29, 2008, 8 a.m.

Category: Technology

b"PayPal's IPN (Instant Payment Notification) service allows your app to get confirmation when an order is processed. In this episode I use IPN to mark a cart as purchased."

#141 PayPal Basics

Podcast | RailsCasts (Mobile) | 7:03

Published: Dec. 22, 2008, 8 a.m.

Category: Technology

b"This episode is the first in a series on handling the checkout process for orders. Here we show how to complete purchases through PayPal's Website Payments Standard service."