Search results for: merch

Showing 20 results (1081 - 1100) of 1210 total

CRRRaSh! 261 Neo-Nazi Merch Still for Sale on Amazon UK

Podcast | Captain Roy's Rusty Rocket Radio Show: THE UK Geek Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, and Classic Doc | 15:52

Published: May 10, 2019, 10:39 p.m.

Category: Arts

b'Hey, Jeff Bezos, why is Amazon still selling Neo-Nazi merch?'

166: The One Where Merch Drops: Friday, October 4th, 2019 with Kameron Westcott

Podcast | The Toast | 49:18

Published: Oct. 4, 2019, 4:05 p.m.

Category: Comedy

MERCH: Miley Cyrus Kissing Cody Simpson... More Than Just Mates??? (TMZ) Travis Scott Drops Video for 'Highest in the Room' After Kylie Jenner Split: 'You Say You Love Me' (PEOPLE) Colton Underwood Inserts Himself Into Rachel Lindsay and Raven Gates' Feud (E! News) Uber Launches An App To Connect Job Seekers With Gig Work (NPR) Instagram launches Threads, a Close Friends chat app with auto-status (TechCrunch) Special Guest: Kameron Westcott, Real Housewives of DallasThe Morning Toast with Claudia (@girlwithnojob) and Jackie Oshry (@jackieoproblems)The Morning Toast Patreon:

244: Merch by Amazon Marketing: How to Drive Traffic and Sales to Your T-Shirt Designs

Podcast | The Side Hustle Show | 42:54

Published: Aug. 24, 2017, 9 a.m.

Category: Entrepreneurship

b'Chris Green is one of the foremost advocates for the side hustle lifestyle. He has 10+ years\\u2019 experience as an Amazon seller, author, software provider to others involved in the Amazon ecosystem, and most recently as a t-shirt designer selling shirts on the\\xa0Merch by Amazon platform.\\nChris calls Merch by Amazon \\u201cthe best side hustle out there right now.\\u201d With no upfront capital, no shipping or returns, no customer service, and no risk, it\\u2019s certainly one of the easiest side hustles to get started with.\\nIf you\\u2019re just getting started with\\xa0Merch, Elaine Heney (who made $50k selling shirts last year) shared how to sign up and get your first t-shirts for sale on the Merch platform back on\\xa0episode 216.\\nChris picks up where Elaine left off and goes into detail sharing some of his best tips for optimizing your listing, where he finds ideas for t-shirt designs and a few of the methods he uses to market his shirts.\\nTune in to hear some the unique and interesting ways Chris comes up with t-shirt designs ideas, as well as how he markets them through paid ads and organic outreach.\\nYou can find out more at\\, and pick up a free copy of Chris\\u2019 book\\xa0Merch Resources\\xa0(just pay shipping).\\nFull Show Notes and PDF Highlight Reel: Merch by Amazon Marketing: How to Drive Traffic and Sales to Your T-Shirt Designs\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'

Lidl casse le social game avec du merch jaune et bleu.

Podcast | Le Super Daily | 17:02

Published: July 9, 2020, 7:43 a.m.

Category: Other

b'\\xc9pisode 428 : Depuis plusieurs jours, les baskets Lidl s\'offrent un joli buzz. Vendues en \\xe9dition limit\\xe9e \\xe0 12,99 euros en Belgique et 19,95 euros en Allemagne,\\xa0les baskets rouges, bleues et jaunes ont affol\\xe9 le social game.Mises en vente sur la Toile\\xa0ont atteint le prix d\\xe9lirant de 1255 euros en occasion.200 fois leur prix d\\u2019origine !Rouge, jaune et bleu, avec le logo Lidl sur la languette, cette paire de \\xab\\xa0ugly shows\\xa0\\xbb suscite la convoitise et a fait exploser les r\\xe9seaux sociaux.\\u2014La Drop Culture, la recette de la basket Lidl !Le succ\\xe8s fou de cette op\\xe9ration est li\\xe9 \\xe0 une strat\\xe9gie marketing bien connue dans le monde de la mode : la \\xab\\xa0drop culture\\xa0\\xbb.C\\u2019est vraiment la sp\\xe9cialit\\xe9 de la marque Supr\\xeame par exemple.L\\u2019objectif est de commercialiser des produits en petite quantit\\xe9 et en \\xe9dition limit\\xe9e sans faire de publicit\\xe9, uniquement dans des points de ventes cibl\\xe9s. Cela provoque un sentiment d\\u2019urgence et un effet de surprise chez le consommateur.La paire de basket a \\xe9t\\xe9 vendue en Allemagne et en Belgique mais pas encore en France.\\u2014Lidl surfe sur aussi le ph\\xe9nom\\xe8ne des Ugly shoesLa cha\\xeene allemande surfe sur la vague des \\xab ugly shoes \\xbb, ces chaussures de sport massives \\xe0 grosses semelles, tendance chez les grands noms de la mode.#uglyshoes : 47,k posts dans InstagramIl y a un petit lien d\\u2019oeil de l\\u2019ordre de la revanche ici : Les classes populaires se moquent du luxe, apr\\xe8s que le luxe se soit moqu\\xe9 des classes populaires.Cette campagne s\\u2019inscrit aussi dans la d\\xe9marche de premiumisation de Lidl lanc\\xe9 il ya maintenant 4 ans. Transformer le groupe de Hard Discount en Ikea de la grande surface.\\u2014Enorme port\\xe9e virale de l\\u2019op\\xe9ration sur les r\\xe9seaux sociaux !Sur Twitter, on a parl\\xe9 presque que de \\xe7a pendant 5 jours.#lidlshoes est rentr\\xe9 en trending topicD\\xe9j\\xe0 des centaines de posts sur Instagram avec le #lidlshoes\\u2014\\u2014Lidl sur les r\\xe9seaux sociaux c\\u2019est pas du discount !Sur Facebook 2,4 millions de fans.Sur Instagram 322k followersSur Twitter 40k followersL\'enseigne se d\\xe9marque de loin des autres g\\xe9ants de la distribution alimentaire : Carrefour (1,1 million de fans), Monoprix (1,05 million de fans)\\u2014Leur recette ? L\\u2019engagementSi vous jetez un coup d\\u2019oeil \\xe0 leur compte vous allez pouvoir constater le taux d\\u2019engagement \\xe9tonnant de chacun des posts. Il y a une vraie communaut\\xe9 en ligne chez Lidl.Les CM de Lidl r\\xe9pondent au gens. Pas tout le monde, mais il y a d\\xe9j\\xe0 un sacr\\xe9 volume de r\\xe9ponses.\\u2014Autre ingr\\xe9dient de la recette : de la brand utilityLidl France a 2 chaines Youtube qui tourne du feu de Dieu.LidlFrance : source abonn\\xe9s. Avec de la d\\xe9mo de produits et pas al de vid\\xe9os tutoriels.Lidl Cuisine : source abonn\\xe9s. Avec des recettes film\\xe9es en vid\\xe9o et une tonalit\\xe9 vraiment sympa.\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014Ce n\\u2019est pas la premi\\xe8re fois que Lidl joue la carte du contre emploiEn 2017, elle lan\\xe7ait une collaboration \\xe9tonnante avec la mannequin Heidi Klum accompagn\\xe9e d\\u2019une d\\xe9clinaison communication & marketing :\\xa0annonce presse, relais massifs sur les r\\xe9seaux sociaux, pr\\xe9sentation d\\u2019une collection capsule lors de la Fashion Week de New York et d\\xe9ploiement de la gamme de v\\xeatements dans 10 000 points de vente.Sur les r\\xe9seaux d\\xe9j\\xe0 \\xe0 l\\u2019\\xe9poque l\\u2019exposition avait \\xe9t\\xe9 monumentale et avait g\\xe9n\\xe9r\\xe9 une port\\xe9e de 11,9 millions de personnes exclusivement en retomb\\xe9es virales.sourceLidl c\\u2019est aussi une strat\\xe9gie d\\u2019influence marketing tr\\xe8s pouss\\xe9eEn Allemagne Lidl a cr\\xe9\\xe9 un pole d\\u2019influences-ambassadeurs qui s\\u2019appelle #lidlstudio.Ils ont s\\xe9lectionn\\xe9 un groupe de personnalit\\xe9s vari\\xe9es, plus ou moins c\\xe9l\\xe8bres, avec des domaines d\'int\\xe9r\\xeat diff\\xe9rents et un nombre d\'abonn\\xe9s compris entre 25 000 et 1,1 million.L\\u2019objectif s\\u2019inscrit dans des partenariats sur la dur\\xe9e.\\u2014\\u2014Et quand trouvera-t-on la paire de basket Lidl en France ?Dans un article du Parisien, le directeur achats et marketing Michel Biero de Lidl France reconna\\xeet n\\u2019avoir absolument pas vu le carton venir. Il n\\u2019a command\\xe9 que 230 paires \\xe0 destination des influenceurs.Au vu de l\'engouement, l\'enseigne a pr\\xe9vu de mettre en place des jeux concours en France via les r\\xe9seaux sociaux tr\\xe8s prochainement pour permettre de tenter de gagner des accessoires.On les aura probablement d\\u2019ici la fin de l\\u2019ann\\xe9e dans les magasins fran\\xe7ais, indique le repr\\xe9sentant de Lidl. Il va y avoir du sport dans les rayons\\u2026\\u2014Ce n\\u2019est pas la premi\\xe8re fois que Lidl r\\xe9alise un coup marketing de ce type.. . .Le Super Daily est le podcast quotidien sur les r\\xe9seaux sociaux. Il est fabriqu\\xe9 avec une pluie d\'amour par les \\xe9quipes de Supernatifs.Nous sommes une agence social media bas\\xe9e \\xe0 Lyon : Nous aidons les entreprises \\xe0 cr\\xe9er des relations durables et rentables avec leurs audiences. Nous inventons, produisons et diffusons des contenus qui engagent vos collaborateurs, vos prospects et vos consommateurs. H\\xe9berg\\xe9 par Acast. Visitez pour plus d\'informations.'

Peonz Radio 20 - Anime reloaded und warum Merch Verkäufer einem das Weiß aus den Augen nehmen

Podcast | Stormpeonz

Published: Oct. 19, 2020, 5:52 a.m.

Category: Technology

Findet ihr nicht auch, dass man für Merch viel zu viel Geld hinlegt? Neben einer aufgewärmten Episode unserer liebsten Anime reden wir genau darüber. Merch, oder auch warum uns Verkäufer das Weiß aus den Augen nehmen. Mehr zum Thema Gaming findet ihr auf:

MERCH BY AMAZON Sales Update - I Hope These Sales Are Here To Stay Because They Are Incredible!

Podcast | Merch Buzz | 9:08

Published: Oct. 30, 2021, 2:03 a.m.

b'#MerchByAmazon #POD #AmazonMerchCheck out our YouTube Channel out one of the best Merch By Amazon tools out there! Use Code "MRKREPORT" for 20% OFF!!Merch Informer - DESIGN PLATFORM - A PRINTFUL BUSINESS - FREE listings! you are NEW to Etsy and want to open a store to start selling please use the link above to register and we will both receive free listings!For the Automation Tool I use for Merch By Amazon, Printful, Redbubble, Seciety6, Spreadshirt, Teepublic, Teespring, Zazzle Or KDP Automation visit Merch Titans use tool for anyone working with Amazon\'s KPD. If you have designs that you have used for your POD business make sure to check this out and start making money on KDP OFF USE COUPON CODE "MRKREPORT"Fiverr - A FIVERR AFFILIATE and start making money - on Amazon by using our affiliate link (NO COST TO YOU) - THANK YOU! -'

MERCH BY AMAZON - Sales Update - Review Of Oct & A Close Look At What Could Be The Best Month Ever!

Podcast | Merch Buzz | 7:28

Published: Nov. 15, 2021, 2:06 a.m.

b'#MerchByAmazon #POD #AmazonMerchCheck out our YouTube Channel out one of the best Merch By Amazon tools out there! Use Code "MRKREPORT" for 20% OFF!!Merch Informer - DESIGN PLATFORM - A PRINTFUL BUSINESS - FREE listings! you are NEW to Etsy and want to open a store to start selling please use the link above to register and we will both receive free listings!For the Automation Tool I use for Merch By Amazon, Printful, Redbubble, Seciety6, Spreadshirt, Teepublic, Teespring, Zazzle Or KDP Automation visit Merch Titans use tool for anyone working with Amazon\'s KPD. If you have designs that you have used for your POD business make sure to check this out and start making money on KDP OFF USE COUPON CODE "MRKREPORT"Fiverr - A FIVERR AFFILIATE and start making money - on Amazon by using our affiliate link (NO COST TO YOU) - THANK YOU! -'

MERCH BY AMAZON - HOW TO GET OUT OF TIER 10 - Tips & Tricks For Beginners!

Podcast | Merch Buzz | 21:09

Published: Nov. 13, 2021, 6:17 p.m.

b'#MerchByAmazon #POD #AmazonMerchCheck out our YouTube Channel out one of the best Merch By Amazon tools out there! Use Code "MRKREPORT" for 20% OFF!!Merch Informer - DESIGN PLATFORM - A PRINTFUL BUSINESS - FREE listings! you are NEW to Etsy and want to open a store to start selling please use the link above to register and we will both receive free listings!For the Automation Tool I use for Merch By Amazon, Printful, Redbubble, Seciety6, Spreadshirt, Teepublic, Teespring, Zazzle Or KDP Automation visit Merch Titans use tool for anyone working with Amazon\'s KPD. If you have designs that you have used for your POD business make sure to check this out and start making money on KDP OFF USE COUPON CODE "MRKREPORT"Fiverr - A FIVERR AFFILIATE and start making money - on Amazon by using our affiliate link (NO COST TO YOU) - THANK YOU! -'

MERCH BY AMAZON Sales Update - How Did You Do This Weekend? Are You Having A Good December?

Podcast | Merch Buzz | 7:07

Published: March 9, 2022, 3:30 a.m.

b'#MerchByAmazon #POD #AmazonMerchCheck out our YouTube Channel out one of the best Merch By Amazon tools out there! Use Code "MRKREPORT" for 20% OFF!!Merch Informer - DESIGN PLATFORM - A PRINTFUL BUSINESS - FREE listings! you are NEW to Etsy and want to open a store to start selling please use the link above to register and we will both receive free listings!For the Automation Tool I use for Merch By Amazon, Printful, Redbubble, Seciety6, Spreadshirt, Teepublic, Teespring, Zazzle Or KDP Automation visit Merch Titans use tool for anyone working with Amazon\'s KPD. If you have designs that you have used for your POD business make sure to check this out and start making money on KDP OFF USE COUPON CODE "MRKREPORT"Fiverr - A FIVERR AFFILIATE and start making money - on Amazon by using our affiliate link (NO COST TO YOU) - THANK YOU! -'

MERCH BY AMAZON Sales Update - Increased Popsocket Sales Are Causing My Royalties/Sale To Decrease!

Podcast | Merch Buzz | 10:02

Published: Dec. 16, 2021, 2:26 a.m.

b'#MerchByAmazon #POD #AmazonMerchCheck out our YouTube Channel out one of the best Merch By Amazon tools out there! Use Code "MRKREPORT" for 20% OFF!!Merch Informer - DESIGN PLATFORM - A PRINTFUL BUSINESS - FREE listings! you are NEW to Etsy and want to open a store to start selling please use the link above to register and we will both receive free listings!For the Automation Tool I use for Merch By Amazon, Printful, Redbubble, Seciety6, Spreadshirt, Teepublic, Teespring, Zazzle Or KDP Automation visit Merch Titans use tool for anyone working with Amazon\'s KPD. If you have designs that you have used for your POD business make sure to check this out and start making money on KDP OFF USE COUPON CODE "MRKREPORT"Fiverr - A FIVERR AFFILIATE and start making money - on Amazon by using our affiliate link (NO COST TO YOU) - THANK YOU! -'

Pendulo Hebreo Como ayudar al alma a cruzar la luz?. Entrevista a Merche Perez

Podcast |,Espiritualidad,Conocimiento | 43:32

Published: Dec. 15, 2021, 5:44 a.m.

Category: religion

b'n esta transmisi\\xf3n se hablar\\xe1 acerca de c\\xf3mo es el mundo donde viven las Almas que no han cruzado a la Luz. Se describir\\xe1, a trav\\xe9s de las experiencias de Merche c\\xf3mo m\\xe9dium, qu\\xe9 sienten y c\\xf3mo lo sienten. Exponiendo algunos ejemplos. Hablar\\xe1 de lo que se encuentran las Almas una vez han cruzado a la Luz.\\n\\nMerche Perez\\nEs terapeuta de P\\xe9ndulo Hebreo y se dedica a lo que m\\xe1s le apasiona, ayudar a otras personas a transformar sus vidas mediante sus terapias, conocimientos y experiencia.\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nInf\\xf3rmate de todo el programa en: \\n***CON PREGUNTAS AL FINAL DE LA CONFERENCIA PARA RESOLVER TUS DUDAS ****\\nSi te parece interesante.... \\xa1COMP\\xc1RTELO!! :-) \\nDURACI\\xd3N: 45m Aproximadamente \\n\\n-----------INFORMACI\\xd3N SOBRE MINDALIA----------DPM\\n\\ es una ONG internacional sin \\xe1nimo de lucro. Nuestra misi\\xf3n es la difusi\\xf3n universal de contenidos para la mejora de la consciencia espiritual, mental y f\\xedsica. \\n\\n-Ap\\xf3yanos con tu donaci\\xf3n mediante Paypal \\n\\n-Colabora con el mundo suscribi\\xe9ndote a este canal, dej\\xe1ndonos un comentario de energ\\xeda positiva en nuestros v\\xeddeos y comparti\\xe9ndolos. De esta forma, este conocimiento llegar\\xe1 a mucha m\\xe1s gente.\\n\\n- Sitio web:\\n- Facebook:\\n- Twitter:\\n- Instagram:\\n- Twitch:\\n- Vaughn:\\n- VK:\\n- Odysee:\\n\\n* no se hace responsable de las opiniones vertidas en este v\\xeddeo, ni necesariamente participa de ellas.\\n* no se responsabiliza de la fiabilidad de las informaciones de este v\\xeddeo, cualquiera sea su origen.\\n*Este v\\xeddeo es exclusivamente informativo.\\n\\n#MerchePerez #P\\xe9nduloHebreo #Alma'

PRUSA LIVE #34 - 3D printed movie puppets, New Prusa Merch, Contest winners, PrusaSlicer 2.4 beta

Podcast | PRUSA 3D Printing Podcast | 1:05:14

Published: Nov. 25, 2021, 11:03 a.m.

Category: News

b'We were joined by the creators of the wonderful animated movie "Even Mice Belong in Heaven". So far the movie is enjoying great reviews and we are very proud to play a certain role in its creation. Namely, we are talking about a trio of the Original Prusa i3 MK3 printers used to create some of the puppets.'

The Mandatorian Creed #9: Lightsabers In Culture & Merch with Nick Tierce - Lightsabers Series Part 4

Podcast | Ahch-To Radio: A Star Wars Podcast | 1:18:23

Published: May 11, 2021, 4:35 p.m.

Category: TV

b'Welcome to Part 4 of the Lightsabers Series here on THE MANDATORIAN CREED! In this series, Tori Fox is deep diving into the mythology, design, & power of the iconic weapons & tools of the Jedi Knights, Sith Lords, and beyond. This week, Tori is joined by writer, designer, & craftsman, Nick Tierce! Nick is here to join in on a deep dive into lightsaber prop history, toy lines, replicas, and more. It\'s a fascinating exploration for anyone who\'s ever wielded a lightsaber toy & felt like they were in the Star Wars story! Which lightsaber toy was your favorite? Do you own any replicas? And what kinds of merch are you hoping will get made? Let us know! Be sure to check out Nick on his website here, as well as on his Twitter & Instagram. Check out Tori\'s shop, Creature Cartel, right here, and follow her & the shop on Instagram, @the.mandatorian and @CreatureCartelShop! Lastly, find all of the the Ahch-To Radio programming, including The Mandatorian Creed, @AhchToRadio on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook!\\n\\nTRANS RIGHTS ARE HUMAN RIGHTS: THIS IS THE WAY fundraiser can be found here!\\n\\nAhch-To Radio is a Star Wars podcast feed fueled by the love of that galaxy far, far away. Creator/Host Alden Diaz dives into interviews, Star Wars origin stories, passion projects, analyses, and more every week. Plus, Ahch-To Radio is also home to our sister show, The Mandatorian Creed, hosted by Tori Fox! Tori explores various Star Wars topics with seasons of multipart breakdowns. Tori\'s got theme park stories, costumes, creatures, & more! These are shows that celebrates the ties that bind the fans of Star Wars.'

MERCH BY AMAZON (ON DEMAND) - September 2022 Sales Update - The Last Month Before Q4!

Podcast | Merch Buzz | 11:46

Published: Oct. 7, 2022, 1:58 a.m.

b'#MerchByAmazon #POD #AmazonMerchCheck out our YouTube Channel out one of the best Merch By Amazon tools out there! Use Code "MRKREPORT" for 20% OFF!!Merch Informer - offers a complete Amazon selling tools suite with product finder software for analytics, listing optimization, marketing and competitor analysis. Sunsets - DESIGNS Ready For Commercial Use - DESIGN PLATFORM - A PRINTFUL BUSINESS - FREE listings! you are NEW to Etsy and want to open a store to start selling please use the link above to register and we will both receive free listings!For the Automation Tool I use for Merch By Amazon, Printful, Redbubble, Seciety6, Spreadshirt, Teepublic, Teespring, Zazzle Or KDP Automation visit Merch Titans use tool for anyone working with Amazon\'s KPD. If you have designs that you have used for your POD business make sure to check this out and start making money on KDP OFF USE COUPON CODE "MRKREPORT"Fiverr - A FIVERR AFFILIATE and start making money -'

MERCH BY AMAZON (ON DEMAND) - Weekend Sales Review & A Positive Reminder Why We Do This!

Podcast | Merch Buzz | 7:05

Published: Oct. 4, 2022, 12:52 a.m.

b'#MerchByAmazon #POD #AmazonMerchCheck out our YouTube Channel out one of the best Merch By Amazon tools out there! Use Code "MRKREPORT" for 20% OFF!!Merch Informer - offers a complete Amazon selling tools suite with product finder software for analytics, listing optimization, marketing and competitor analysis. Sunsets - DESIGNS Ready For Commercial Use - DESIGN PLATFORM - A PRINTFUL BUSINESS - FREE listings! you are NEW to Etsy and want to open a store to start selling please use the link above to register and we will both receive free listings!For the Automation Tool I use for Merch By Amazon, Printful, Redbubble, Seciety6, Spreadshirt, Teepublic, Teespring, Zazzle Or KDP Automation visit Merch Titans use tool for anyone working with Amazon\'s KPD. If you have designs that you have used for your POD business make sure to check this out and start making money on KDP OFF USE COUPON CODE "MRKREPORT"Fiverr - A FIVERR AFFILIATE and start making money -'

MERCH BY AMAZON (ON DEMAND) - Is Amazon Listening To Us? I Wish Every Day Could Be Like Yesterday!

Podcast | Merch Buzz | 4:09

Published: Sept. 25, 2022, 1:20 a.m.

b'#MerchByAmazon #POD #AmazonMerchCheck out our YouTube Channel out one of the best Merch By Amazon tools out there! Use Code "MRKREPORT" for 20% OFF!!Merch Informer - offers a complete Amazon selling tools suite with product finder software for analytics, listing optimization, marketing and competitor analysis. Sunsets - DESIGNS Ready For Commercial Use - DESIGN PLATFORM - A PRINTFUL BUSINESS - FREE listings! you are NEW to Etsy and want to open a store to start selling please use the link above to register and we will both receive free listings!For the Automation Tool I use for Merch By Amazon, Printful, Redbubble, Seciety6, Spreadshirt, Teepublic, Teespring, Zazzle Or KDP Automation visit Merch Titans use tool for anyone working with Amazon\'s KPD. If you have designs that you have used for your POD business make sure to check this out and start making money on KDP OFF USE COUPON CODE "MRKREPORT"Fiverr - A FIVERR AFFILIATE and start making money -'

MERCH BY AMAZON (ON DEMAND) Sales Update - Let's See What September Gives Us!

Podcast | Merch Buzz | 5:17

Published: Sept. 18, 2022, 1:17 a.m.

b'#MerchByAmazon #POD #AmazonMerchCheck out our YouTube Channel out one of the best Merch By Amazon tools out there! Use Code "MRKREPORT" for 20% OFF!!Merch Informer - offers a complete Amazon selling tools suite with product finder software for analytics, listing optimization, marketing and competitor analysis. Sunsets - DESIGNS Ready For Commercial Use - DESIGN PLATFORM - A PRINTFUL BUSINESS - FREE listings! you are NEW to Etsy and want to open a store to start selling please use the link above to register and we will both receive free listings!For the Automation Tool I use for Merch By Amazon, Printful, Redbubble, Seciety6, Spreadshirt, Teepublic, Teespring, Zazzle Or KDP Automation visit Merch Titans use tool for anyone working with Amazon\'s KPD. If you have designs that you have used for your POD business make sure to check this out and start making money on KDP OFF USE COUPON CODE "MRKREPORT"Fiverr - A FIVERR AFFILIATE and start making money -'

Episode 125-Biden vs Trump on the Course, Houston Masters Prep, Where's my Masters Merch.

Podcast | Leave the Pin | 54:21

Published: Nov. 7, 2020, 11:26 p.m.

Category: Sports

b"Welcome back Podcast Patrons to Episode 125 of Leave the Pin Podcast.\\nDan and Scott are comparing Joe Biden vs Donald Trump on the Golf Course.  Handicaps, cheating, what tour pros say about them and more.  Does success in the Houston Open mean anything towards a players ability to perform at the Masters?  Where is all the Masters Merch going.  We decide what we would buy and how the Masters should handle the merchandise drop this year.\\nCheck out our sponsors @eaglesandarrowsco  on Instragram.\\nTell your friends, we're back with another episode of Leave the Pin Podcast.\\nPlease leave a review and rating on iTunes if you enjoy the episode.\\nShop our newly re-stocked merchandise at and check out all our new apparel designs.\\nFollow us on Instagram @leavethepin Tag us on your social media feed with #Leavethepin Email us at Get busy golfing or get busy dying\\n\\n--- \\n\\nSend in a voice message:"

Episode 55-Presidents Cup Mayhem, Golf in the Winter, Tiger is a Hero, Bubba Candy Clause. New Merch

Podcast | Leave the Pin | 54:13

Published: Dec. 1, 2019, 11:46 p.m.

Category: Sports

b'Welcome Podcast Patrons to Episode 55.  It\'s snowing and icing in our NY and PA offices.  Golf is officially dead for us.  Dan and Scott talk about their winter golf plans and how people get themselves twisted during the cold winter months.  The Presidents Cup officially loses more contestants due to "injuries."  Tiger holds a tournament for his friends and gives out free world golf ranking points like Bubba gives out free candy to increase the diabetes rates in the U.S.  All this and more in Episode 55 of Leave the Pin Podcast.  Go to and check out all our new apparel designs.  \\nFollow us on Instagram @leavethepin\\nHead over to iTunes and subscribe and leave us a rating.\\nSubscribe and watch our pods on YouTube Leave the Pin Podcast\\nTag us on your social media feed with #Leavethepin\\nPlease patronize our amazing sponsors:\\n     Mcewan golf @mcewangolf on Instagram\\n     Boston Scott Golf @bostonscottgolf on Instagram\\nEmail us at or leave us a voicemail at 843-608-0013\\nGet busy golfing or get busy dying \\n\\n--- \\n\\nSend in a voice message:'

New Merch For The CMS And Some Real Talk About Today's Chaos 6/6/20

Podcast | The Classic Metal Show | 1:16:58

Published: June 10, 2020, 1:09 a.m.

Category: Music

Neeley and Chris talk about some new memorabilia they purchased. Following, they discuss some of the events going on today surrounding the George Floyd protests and riots. Finally, they talk about LivePD and Cops being taken off the air due to concerns about the riots. GET THE NEW CMS APP to keep up with THE CLASSIC METAL SHOW. Available on Android and iOS! NOTE: Due to YouTube Censorship, all In Studio Cam videos of the entire week's edition of THE CLASSIC METAL SHOW are uploaded to: WANT TO COMMENT? Use Dissenter - Catch THE CLASSIC METAL SHOW Saturdays from 9pm to 3am EST at SHOW/SOCIALS: WEBSITE: CHATROOM: GAB: MINDS: REDDIT: VIDEO: VIMEO: BITCHUTE: DAILYMOTION: PODCAST: SPREAKER: iTUNES: LAUNCHPAD (PODCASTONE): SPOTIFY: GOOGLE PLAY: TUNEIN: STITCHER: SUPPORT THE CMS: BUY A T-SHIRT: BUY GENERAL MERCH: CHRIS' BOOK CAUSE & EFFECT MOTLEY CRUE: CHRIS' BOOK CAUSE & EFFECT METALLICA: CHRIS' BOOK CAUSE & EFFECT JUDAS PRIEST: CHRIS' BOOK LITTLE VICTORIES: CHRIS' BOOK CALL ME CHRIS: BULLSHIT CENSORED MEDIA: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: YOUTUBE: