
ENGLISH: Heart (Italian: Cuore) was a children's novel written by Italian author Edmondo De Amicis. It is set during the Italian unification, and includes several patriotic themes. It was issued by Treves on October 17, 1886, the first day of school in Italy, and rose to immediate success. The novel is written in a diary form as told by Enrico Bottini, a 10-year old primary school student in Italy with an upper class background who is surrounded by classmates of working class origin. The entire chronological setting corresponds to the third-grade season. Enrico's parents and older siblings sometimes correspond with Enrico through the means of his diary: his teacher assigns him with homework dealing with stories of children throughout the Italian states, who should serve as role models - the stories are then given in full as Enrico is supposed to have written them. Most topics revolve around moral values, and the predilect ones include helping those in need, love for family and friends, and patriotism. ITALIAN: Cuore è un romanzo scritto nel 1886 da Edmondo de Amicis, pubblicato nel 1888. Fu un grande successo, tanto che de Amicis divenne lo scrittore più letto d'Italia. L'ambientazione è l'indomani dell'unità d'Italia, e il testo ha il chiaro scopo di insegnare ai giovani cittadini del Regno le virtù civili, ossia l'amore per la patria, il rispetto per le autorità e per i genitori, lo spirito di sacrificio, l'eroismo, la carità, la pietà, l'obbedienza e la sopportazioni delle disgrazie. (Summary from Wikipedia)

16 episodes

Fifty Famous Stories Retold

Fifty Famous Stories Retold by James Baldwin is a collection of short stories that give a snapshot into the life of a legendary hero or an event in history. Hear how Alexander the Great tamed Bucephalus, the kindness of Doctor Goldsmith, William Tell, George Washington and his hatchet, King Alfred as well as many other interesting tales. (Summary by Laura Caldwell)

51 episodes

Wild Life in Woods and Fields

Wild Life in Woods and Fields by Arabella B. Buckley is a collection of stories that will encourage children to become little naturalists and explore the majesty of the great outdoors. This is science taught in such a charming, delightful way that children will learn without even realizing it! (Summary by Laura Caldwell)

13 episodes

Hans Brinker or The Silver Skates

Mary Mapes Dodge created an instant bestseller with "Hans Brinker or The Silver Skates." She wanted the book to be partly a book of travels and partly a domestic story. It is a tale written for children that adults also find interesting and uplifting. Dodge writes as if she is sending a series of letters from Holland to children in America, and her you-are-there perspective is aided by a nice attention to detail and vivid imagery.The Brinkers are a poor but stoic family under a dark cloud - Raff, the man of the house, fell from the dikes while reinforcing them during a bad storm, and for ten years he has been in a vegetative state. With no steady income, the family's lot is grinding poverty. Despite their unfortunate circumstances, Hans and Gretel are cheerful children, yet always attentive to the needs of their mother and their present-but-not-really-there father. Their social standing is very low, but they both attract firm friends, even among the gentry, for their honesty, industry, and good-heartedness.Then a glorious skating race is proposed for the town of Broek, with the prize a pair of silver skates for both the winning boy and girl. In the weeks leading up to the race, we follow the adventures of five of the local boys who are showing a visiting relative from England the sights of the Netherlands. Hans improbably meets the one man who might be able to heal his father, and somehow Hans finds a way to afford some skates so that he and Gretel can enter the race.This all leads up to a dramatic, moving, and entirely satisfactory conclusion. "Hans Brinker" hits a series of high notes and encourages children to cultivate and display their finer qualities.

48 episodes

Märchen 4

Anfang des 19. Jahrhunderts begannen die Brüder Jacob und Wilhelm Grimm, traditionelle, bisher vor allem mündlich weitergegebene Erzählungen zusammenzutragen. Diese Sammlung ist als die Märchen der Gebrüder Grimm weltbekannt geworden und umfaßt so berühmte Geschichten wie Rapunzel, Hänsel und Gretel, Rumpelstilzchen, Rotkäppchen und viele andere. (Zusammenfassung von Rainer)

31 episodes

The Poor Little Rich Girl

The Poor Little Rich Girl is a children’s fantasy about a little girl named Gwendolyn who is lonely and longs for a friend. But she is isolated by rich parents who ignore her and left to the care of servants who are indifferent. Her nanny’s carelessness with some medicine plunges Gwendolyn into a bewildering world in which metaphors literally come to life. (Summary by Susan Umpleby)

16 episodes

Anne of Avonlea (version 2)

The second part in the story of Anne Shirley, covering her years of teaching at Avonlea School, before she heads off to college. Other books in this series by this reader: Anne of Green Gables Anne of the Island Anne's House of Dreams Rainbow Valley Rilla of Ingleside

30 episodes

Famous Men of Rome

Biographical sketches of the men of Rome, written for children. (summary by Laura Caldwell)

30 episodes

St. Bartholomew's Eve

Set in the days of the religious wars of Europe, St. Bartholomew's Eve is the tale of the Huguenot's desperate fight for freedom of worship in France. As the struggle intensifies the plot thickens, culminating in the dreadful Massacre of St. Bartholomew's Eve. Henty, "The Boy's Own Storyteller" weaves the life and adventures of Philip Fletcher and his cousin, Francois DeLaville, into the historical background with thrilling battles, sieges and escapes along the way (not to mention a fair damsel in distress! ). (Summary by Minkona)

23 episodes

The Real Mother Goose

A heartwarming collection of nursery rhymes that will take you back to your childhood! (Summary by Allyson Hester)

6 episodes

Märchen 5

Anfang des 19. Jahrhunderts begannen die Brüder Jacob und Wilhelm Grimm, traditionelle, bisher vor allem mündlich weitergegebene Erzählungen zusammenzutragen. Diese Sammlung ist als die Märchen der Gebrüder Grimm weltbekannt geworden und umfaßt so berühmte Geschichten wie Rapunzel, Hänsel und Gretel, Rumpelstilzchen, Rotkäppchen und viele andere. (Zusammenfassung von Rainer)

32 episodes

How to Tell Stories to Children

Sarah Cone Bryant was an educator and storyteller who wrote several books on the importance of oral storytelling to children, and stories to tell children. This volume expounds on her theories and practices of telling stories to children, and provides several examples. Her conversational writing style makes this work as relevant for parents and teachers as it was 90 years ago. (Summary by Sean McGaughey)

19 episodes

David and the Phoenix

David knew that one should be prepared for anything when one climbs a mountain, but he never dreamed what he would find that June morning on the mountain ledge. There stood an enormous bird, with a head like an eagle, a neck like a swan, and a scarlet crest. The most astonishing thing was that the bird had an open book on the ground and was reading from it!This was David's first sight of the fabulous Phoenix and the beginning of a pleasant and profitable partnership. The Phoenix found a great deal lacking in David's education -- he flunked questions like "How do you tell a true from a false Unicorn?" -- and undertook to supplement it with a practical education, an education that would be a preparation for Life. The education had to be combined with offensive and defensive measures against a Scientist who was bent on capturing the Phoenix, but the two projects together involved exciting and hilarious adventures for boy and bird.A wonderful read-aloud book, adventurous and very funny, with much of the magic as well as the humor of the fantastic. (Summary from the front flap of the dust jacket.)

10 episodes

Il giornalino di Gian Burrasca

Il giornalino di Gian Burrasca is a novel sited in Tuscany (Italy). It was written by Vamba (Luigi Bertelli’s pseudonym) in 1907 and published in 1912. The first edition was published on instalments by the newspaper “Il Giornalino della Domenica”, between 1907 and 1908. The protagonist, Giannino Stoppani known as Gian Burrasca, writes the story as a diary. His nickname, given by Giannino’s family because of his restless behaviour, has become proverbial, in Italy, to indicate a terrible boy. Il giornalino di Gian Burrasca è un romanzo ambientato in Toscana scritto da Vamba, (pseudonimo di Luigi Bertelli) nel 1907 e pubblicato nel 1912. Inizialmente pubblicato a puntate sul “Giornalino della Domenica” tra il 1907 e il 1908, il libro è scritto in forma di diario: il diario di Giannino Stoppani, detto Gian Burrasca. Questo soprannome, che la famiglia gli dà a causa del suo comportamento molto irrequieto, è divenuto proverbiale per indicare un ragazzino indisciplinato. (Summary by Wikipedia)

102 episodes

The Awakening of Europe

The Awakening of Europe by M. B. Synge is the third book in the series, Story of the World. Included in this history is a myriad of interesting men, women, and events that shaped Europe during the years 1520-1745. (Summary by Laura Caldwell)

53 episodes

The Adventures of Paddy Beaver

The Adventures of Paddy Beaver is another in the long list of children’s books by the conservationist, Thornton W. Burgess. In this book, the industrious and clever Paddy Beaver, a newcomer to the Green Forest, has encounters with Sammy Jay, Jerry Muskrat, Ol’ Man Coyote and other inhabitants of the Green Forest. Along the way, we learn how Paddy builds his dam and his house, and how he stores his food. We also learn little lessons about life, such as the importance of planning before doing, caring for Nature, trusting others, the benefits of working together and how wonderful it is to have a job one can sink one’s teeth into. (Summary by John Lieder.)

6 episodes

The Phoenix and the Carpet

The Phoenix and the Carpet is a fantasy novel for children, written in 1904 by E. Nesbit. It is the second in a trilogy of novels that began with Five Children and It (1902), and follows the adventures of the same five protagonists – Cyril, Anthea, Robert, Jane and the Lamb. Their mother buys the children a new carpet to replace the one from the nursery that was destroyed in an unfortunate fire accident. Through a series of exciting events, the children find an egg in the carpet which cracks into a talking Phoenix. The Phoenix explains that the carpet is a magical one that will grant them three wishes per day. (Summary from Wikipedia)

12 episodes


A biography of the famous Cleopatra of Egypt, written in a manner, equally interesting to children and to adults.

12 episodes

Raggedy Andy Stories

Raggedy Ann is a fictional character created by writer Johnny Gruelle (1880–1938) in a series of books he wrote and illustrated for young children. Raggedy Ann is a rag doll with red yarn for hair. The character was created in 1915 as a doll, and was introduced to the public in the 1918 book Raggedy Ann Stories. A doll was also marketed along with the book to great success. A sequel, Raggedy Andy Stories (1920) introduced the character of her brother, Raggedy Andy, dressed in sailor suit and hat. (Summary from Wikipedia)

12 episodes

The Fairy Ring

The Fairy Ring, originally published in 1910, is a collection of 63 fairy tales from around the globe. It includes such well-known favorites as "History of Jack the Giant-Killer", "The Frog Prince","Rumpel-stilts-ken", and "Snow-white and Rose-red", among many others. Children of all ages will enjoy these stories. (Summary by Paul Williams)

65 episodes

La Edad de Oro

Colección de cuentos para niños y niñas por José Martí.

28 episodes

An Old-Fashioned Girl (version 2)

Country-girl Polly Milton visits her fashionable cousins in the city, who make fun of her old-fashioned values. Will Polly adapt to city life? A coming-of-age novel by Louisa May Alcott, published in 1870. (Summary by Gesine)

20 episodes

The Adventures of Reddy Fox

The Adventures of Reddy Fox is another in the series of children’s stories by conservationist Thornton W. Burgess. In this story, Reddy and Granny Fox must outsmart Farmer Brown’s Boy who is out to get Reddy for stealing his pet chicken. Along the way, Reddy encounters many of the citizens of the Green Meadows and the Green Forest and with him we learn little lessons about life such as: the perils of being a show off; the importance of using all of one’s senses; that it is a fine thing to show sympathy and kindness to others – even our enemies; and that the value of a grandmother’s wisdom is inestimable.We also learn that after you’ve stolen a boy’s pet chicken and he is coming your way with a gun, a shovel and a hound dog, it may be time to beat a hasty retreat.(Summary by John Lieder)AaronW is a guest reader in Section 6.

6 episodes

The Story of the Amulet (version 2)

The Story of the Amulet is a novel for children, written in 1906 by E. Nesbit. It is the final part of a trilogy of novels that also includes Five Children and It (1902) and The Phoenix and the Carpet (1904). In it the children re-encounter the Psammead—the "it" in Five Children and It. As it no longer grants wishes to the children, however, its capacity is mainly advisory in relation to the children's other discovery, the Amulet, thus following a formula successfully established in The Phoenix and the Carpet. (Summary from Wikipedia)

14 episodes

Rock A Bye Library: A Book of Fables

A book of short fables with morals. (Summary by DSayers)

1 episodes

Birds of the Air

Arabella Buckley had a great love of nature and wished to impart that love to children. Birds of the Air will encourage children to observe birds in their natural environment and notice the habits of each particular bird they encounter. (Summary by Laura Caldwell)

16 episodes

The Stories Mother Nature Told Her Children

"You may think that Mother Nature, like the famous "old woman who lived in the shoe," has so many children that she doesn't know what to do. But you will know better when you become acquainted with her, and learn how strong she is, and how active; how she can really be in fifty places at once, taking care of a sick tree, or a baby flower just born; and, at the same time, building underground palaces, guiding the steps of little travellers setting out on long journeys, and sweeping, dusting, and arranging her great house,--the earth. And all the while, in the midst of her patient and never-ending work, she will tell us the most charming and marvellous stories of ages ago when she was young, or of the treasures that lie hidden in the most distant and secret closets of her palace; just such stories as you all like so well to hear your mother tell when you gather round her in the twilight." (Summary from Chapter One of The Stories Mother Nature Told Her Children)

14 episodes

Aunt Friendly's Picture Book

This book includes the classic alphabet, Sing-A-Song Of Sixpence, The Frog Who Would A Wooing go, The Three LIttle Pigs, Puss In Boot, and The Ugly Duckling. Fun for all ages! (Summary by Sam Stinson)

1 episodes

Understood Betsy

Understood Betsy is a 1916 novel for children by Dorothy Canfield Fisher. The story tells of Elizabeth Ann, a 9-year-old orphan who goes from a sheltered existence with her father's aunt Harriet and cousin Frances in the city, to living on a Vermont farm with her mother's family, the Putneys, whose child-rearing practices had always seemed suspect to Harriet and her daughter. In her new rural life, Elizabeth Ann comes to be nicknamed "Betsy," and to find that many activities that Frances had always thought too demanding for a little girl are considered, by the Putney family, ordinary expectations for a child: walking to school alone, cooking, and having household duties to perform.The child thrives in her new environment, learning to make butter, boil maple syrup, and tend the animals. When Frances announces she is to be married and has come to "save" Elizabeth Ann from the dreaded Putney cousins, she is amazed to discover that the little girl is quite content to stay. The story ends after Frances has returned home, with Betsy, her aunt Abigail, uncle Henry, and cousin Ann sitting quietly and happily around the fireplace enjoying the knowledge they will now be a family for good. (Summary from Wikipedia)

11 episodes

Little Women (version 4)

Little Women is the classic story of the March family, which consists of Mr. and Mrs. March and their four girls–Practical, yet fashion conscious, Meg, who longs for the nice things they used to have. Rambunctious, book worm, Jo, who wants to become a writer and wishes she were born a boy. Shy and quiet, homeloving, Beth, who loves to play the piano and play with her kitties. Finally, the youngest, artistic, Amy, who longs for an aristocratic nose! The story takes place during the American Civil War, and begins with Mr. March away from home as a chaplain to the Union army, while his wife and daughters remain at home to work and wait for his safe return. This book follows their joys and sorrows and scrapes along the path to the girl’s becoming grown up “little women”. Many of the scrapes they get into include Laurie–their harum scarum next door neighbor, who becomes their adopted brother. The two families, the March’s and the Laurence’s strike up a lasting friendship, despite their differences in material possessions. (Summary by Mary Anderson)

47 episodes

When the King Came: Stories from the Four Gospels

THIS tells how once the King of Glory came from heaven to visit us here on earth and live amongst us; how He was born in Bethlehem and brought up in Nazareth; how He went about telling people of the Heavenly Kingdom, and doing good, ministering to the sick and the poor; how He was misunderstood, and disliked, and even hated, till at last they took Him in Jerusalem and nailed Him to a cross so that He died; and how, after that, He came to life again, and went back into heaven, promising to return. (Summary from the Preface of When the King Came)

49 episodes

More William (version 2)

More William is the second William collection in the much acclaimed Just William series by Richmal Crompton. It is a sequel to the book Just William. The book was first published in 1922, (Summary by Wikipedia)

14 episodes

Stories of Beowulf Told to the Children

The brave warrior, Beowulf, comes to the aid of King Hrothgar when he hears that Grendel, a horrible monster, is terrorizing the inhabitants of Hart Hall. Beowulf heroically battles Grendel, the Water Witch, and a fierce dragon. (Summary by Laura Caldwell)

11 episodes

The Secret Garden (version 2)

Orphaned Mary Lennox is sent to live with her uncle in Yorkshire, and finds herself in a house full of secrets and mysteries.

28 episodes

Elsie Dinsmore

Elsie, young and motherless, has never met her father and is being raised by her father's family. As a strong Christian, she has many trials within the unbelieving family. Her greatest comforts are her faith and her mammy, Chloe. Finally, her father returns home. Will her father love her? Will her father learn to love Jesus? (Summary by Tricia G)Next book in series: Holidays at Roselands

18 episodes

Anne of Green Gables (version 5)

Anne of Green Gables is about an orphan girl who is starving for a family to love her. Her big words and bright spirits take her through many toils, trials, and temptations. Her romantic schemes make it nearly to impossible for any day of her life to be ordinary. Anne Shirley who was once a poor orphan girl learns through the care of Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert, to live, love, and learn. (Summary by Robinsgirl)

38 episodes

The Goop Directory (version 2)

A funny collection of poems about bad children.

1 episodes

Five Little Peppers Midway

Five Little Peppers Midway is the joyous continuation of the Pepper family's story. A snooty cousin comes to stay with the Peppers, and yet even this can't dampen the joy the Pepper children feel about the wonderful prospect of Mamsie's upcoming wedding! (Summary by Mary Anderson)

24 episodes

The Magic World

Talking cats, birds, fish and bells, wicked fairies, uglified princesses - adventure, magic, and more magic. A delightful collection of stories for children of all ages. The Magic World is an influential collection of twelve short stories by E. Nesbit. It was first published in book form in 1912 by Macmillan and Co. Ltd., with illustrations by H. R. Millar and Gerald Spencer Pryse. The stories, previously printed in magazines (like Blackie's Children's Annual), are typical of Nesbit's arch, ironic, clever fantasies for children. (Summary by Wikipedia and Ruth Golding)

12 episodes

Poesias Infantis

Esta é uma recolha de poesias infantis, do autor brasileiro Olavo Bilac, lidas em português por uma criança brasileira.This is a collection of children's poems by the Brazilian writer Olavo Bilac, read by a Brazilian child. (Summary by Leni)

44 episodes

The Book of Dragons

A dragon who flies out of a magical book; one whose purr quiets a fussy baby; another who eats an entire pack of tame hunting-hippopotomuses: These eight dragon tales are filled with the imaginative wit of children's author Edith Nesbit. (Summary by Laurie Anne Walden)

8 episodes

It's Like This, Cat

1964 Newbery Medal winner, It's Like This, Cat is the story of a young man, Dave Mitchell, and how he grew to maturity, helped along indirectly by a stray cat that he brought home from Crazy Kate, the neighborhood Cat Lady. Dave lives in New York City with his lawyer father and his mother, who has bouts of asthma brought on by family strife. The cat, named "Cat" lives a wild life that brings Dave in contact with a future friend and girl friend. Dave's adventures take him throughout areas of New York City, and the reader is treated to descriptions of famous city landmarks. With Dave's new cat-related experiences comes an increased appreciation for his parents and deepening care for his new friends. (Summary by Brenda Price)

18 episodes

Historical Tales, Vol I: American I

Volume I of a series containing anecdotes and stories, some well-known, others less so, of particular countries. This first volume comprises the discovery, colonization, founding, and early years of the United States of America, describing history for children and young adults in an exiting and novel manner. (Summary by Kalynda)

28 episodes

The Five Jars

The Five Jars is the only novel written by James, who is best known for his ghost stories. It is a peculiarly surreal fantasy apparently written for children. While he is out walking, the narrator is drawn to a remote pool, and finds a small box that has been hidden since Roman times. He gradually learns how to use its contents, fighting off a series of attempts to steal it, and becomes aware of a strange world hidden from our own. (Summary by Peter Yearsley)

8 episodes

Mother West Wind's Children

"You can't fool old Mother Nature. No, Sir, you can't fool old Mother Nature, and it's of no use to try." The animals of the Green Meadows and Green Forest have little adventures while Grandfather Frog tells stories to Mother West Wind's children, the Merry Little Breezes. (Summary by Laurie Anne Walden)

15 episodes

The Magic City

Philip and Lucy discover that the city Philip has built using toys, books and household objects, has come alive. This is the account of their incredible adventures in those magical lands, where they meet characters from books and history, mythical beasts, and many other nice (and not so nice) people and creatures.As with all Edith Nesbit's tales, The Magic City has generous helpings of humour, imagination and interesting ideas, as well as the over-arching story of how a boy and girl who have unwillingly become step-brother and sister eventually learn to like each other.This is a story that works on many levels and will be equally enjoyed by adults and children. (Summary by Ruth Golding)

12 episodes

Mother West Wind 'Why' Stories

Thornton W. Burgess was a conservationist and prolific author of children's books. His gently humorous stories about the animals of the meadows and woods teach little lessons about getting along with others; they are perfect bedtime stories for small children. (Summary by Laurie Anne Walden)

16 episodes

By Pond and River

In By Pond and River, another of Arabella Buckley's wonderful science books for children, she explains the habitats of ponds and rivers, exposing children to the animals and plant life that are found there. (Summary by Laura Caldwell)

13 episodes

Tanglewood Tales

All mythology and/or Hawthorne lovers unite! Here is a delightful collection of charming stories from Greek Mythology. This collection features some very popular characters like our beloved Jason, Ulysses, King Pluto and Theseus (and of course, our favorite, Mr. Minotaur, too). Written in Hawthorne's interesting and beautiful style, these stories will be a great delight to read AND listen to. (Summary by Neeru Iyer)

19 episodes

The Adventures of Johnny Chuck

The Adventures of Johnny Chuck is another in the long list of children's books by conservationist Thornton W. Burgess. In this story, it is spring time and a young chuck's fancy turns to thoughts of … traveling, protecting one's turf, finding a new home, and yes, love. Along the way, we learn little lessons about life such as there are good and bad kinds of pride, the importance of keeping secrets and that, even in the animal world, the three most important factors in determining the desirability of property are “location, location, location.” (Summary by John Lieder)

6 episodes