Why do we need a public library?

by VARIOUS ( - )

Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert, Ch 1 (French)

Why do we need a public library?

Internet Archive, which hosts our audio books, is in the midst of their annual fund-raising. They have also begun a drive to provide a mirror site in Canada to ensure IA's availability to all users. The IA is a vast library with millions of public domain books, audio, film, radio, and other media. They also maintain an open library of copyrighted books one can 'check out' by becoming a member with a virtual library card. This collection is devoted to the concept of why we need a public library, the title taken from an essay by Chalmers Hadley, which will be the first entry in this audio book. The rest of the collection is pulled from Project Gutenberg's Library selections. Some are solo essays, most are chapters from selected books on library science and culture. I'm also open to including up to 5 chapters or short works from the list of banned books on PG's site to emphasize the need for a public library. - Summary by Matt Pierard

Listen next episodes of Why do we need a public library?:
On the Supply of Printed Books from the Library to the Reading Room, Part 2, by Anthony Panizzi , The Rights of Man by Thomas Paine, Response to Burke part 2 , The Rights of Man by Thomas Paine, Response to Burke part 3 , The Rights of Man by Thomas Paine, Response to Burke part 4 , Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll, Ch 11 , An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, 'Of Ideas In General' Ch 1, by John Locke , How to Use a Library, by James Mascarene Hubbard. , Idea of a Transcendental Logic. I. Of Logic in General, by Immanuel Kant , On the Supply of Printed Books from the Library to the Reading Room, Part 1, by Anthony Panizzi , Some Popular Objections to Public Libraries, by Frederick Poole , The Analects, by Confucius - Section I , The Awakening, Ch 7, by Kate Chopin , The Dead Are Silent by Arthur Schnitzler , The Free Public Library, by Thomas W. Higginson. , The Function of a Town Library, by Josiah P. Quincy , The immigrant in the library, by Mary Antin , The Library and the Social Centre, by Lutie Eugenia Stearns. , The Negro Vote in the States Whose Constitutions Have Not Been Specifically Revised, by John Hope , The Rights of Man by Thomas Paine, Response to Burke part 1 , Where Neighbors Meet, by Margery Closey Quigley. , Zoonomia Section XIV. Of The Production Of Ideas, by Erasmus Darwin