Vagabond Adventures

by Ralph KEELER (1840 - 1873)

CHAPTER II. Taking to European Ways

Vagabond Adventures

Ralph Keeler failed as a novelist, but this autobiography reflects a life well-lived with humor and adventure. Keeler was in the same literary circle as satirist Bret Harte, novelist Charles Warren Stoddard, editor Thomas Bailey Aldrich, and essayist William Dean Howells. He so impressed Mark Twain that Twain wrote an essay about him called "Ralph Keeler". In 1873, on his way to Cuba, he reportedly was thrown overboard by a Spanish loyalist who objected to his backing of the revolutionary, anti-Spanish movement. - Summary by John Greenman

Listen next episodes of Vagabond Adventures:
CHAPTER III. Student Life and Wanderings , CHAPTER IV. A Fight with Famine , CHAPTER V. The Conclusion