Twilight Land

by Howard PYLE (1853 - 1911)

01a - Introduction

Twilight Land

The room was all full of twilight; but there they sat, every one of them. I did not count them, but there were ever so many: Aladdin, and Ali Baba, and Fortunatis, and Jack-the-Giant-Killer, and Doctor Faustus, and Bidpai, and Cinderella, and Patient Grizzle, and the Soldier who cheated the Devil, and St. George, and Hans in Luck, who traded and traded his lump of gold until he had only an empty churn to show for it; and there was Sindbad the Sailor, and the Tailor who killed seven flies at a blow, and the Fisherman who fished up the Genie, and the Lad who fiddled for the Jew in the bramble-bush, and the Blacksmith who made Death sit in his apple-tree, and Boots, who always marries the Princess, whether he wants to or not-- a rag-tag lot as ever you saw in your life, gathered from every place, and brought together in Twilight Land. (Extracted from the first chapter of the book)

Listen next episodes of Twilight Land:
01b - Introduction (alternate) , 02 - The Stool of Fortune , 03 - The Talisman of Solomon (Part I) , 04 - The Talisman of Solomon (Part II) , 05 - Ill-Luck and the Fiddler , 06 - Empty Bottles , 07 - Good Gifts and a Fool's Folly , 08 - The Good of a Few Words , 09 - Woman's Wit , 10 - A Piece of Good Luck , 11 - The Fruit of Happiness , 12 - Not a Pin to Choose , 13 - Much Shall Have More and Little Shall Have Less , 14 - Wisdom's Wages and Folly's Pay , 15 - The Enchanted Island , 16 - All Things are as Fate Wills , 17 - Where to Lay the Blame , 18 - The Salt of Life