唐诗三百首 卷二 Three Hundred Tang Poems, Volume 2

by VARIOUS ( - )

070 – 渔翁 (An Old Fisherman) (Hokkien) by Liu Zongyuan 柳宗元

唐诗三百首 卷二  Three Hundred Tang Poems, Volume 2

Compiled around 1763, 'Three Hundred Tang Poems' is the standard collection of the poetic art of the Tang Dynasty (618 to 907). Volume Two includes the styles 古言七诗 'seven character ancient verse' (poems 46 to 73) and 古乐府 'ancient folk-song styled verse' (poems 74 to 89). (Summary by David Barnes) Files containing the text in both Chinese and English for the individual poems in this collection can be downloaded by poem number in pdf format from LibriVox’s Three Hundred Tang Poems, Volume 2 Internet Archive page

Listen next episodes of 唐诗三百首 卷二 Three Hundred Tang Poems, Volume 2:
070 – 渔翁 (An Old Fisherman) (Taiwanese) by Liu Zongyuan 柳宗元 , 071 – 长恨歌 (A Song of Unending Sorrow) (Hokkien) by Bai Juyi 白居易 , 071 – 长恨歌 (A Song of Unending Sorrow) (Mandarin) by Bai Juyi 白居易 , 072 – 琵琶行 (The Song of a Guitar) (Hokkien) by Bai Juyi 白居易 , 072 – 琵琶行 (The Song of a Guitar) (Mandarin) by Bai Juyi 白居易 , 073 – 韩碑 (The Han Monument) (Hokkien) by Li Shangyin 李商隐 , 073 – 韩碑 (The Han Monument) (Mandarin) by Li Shangyin 李商隐 , 074 – 燕歌行 (A song of the Yan Country) (Hokkien) by Gao Shi 高适 , 074 – 燕歌行 (A song of the Yan Country) (Mandarin) by Gao Shi 高适 , 075 – 古从军行 (An Old War-Song) (Hokkien) by Li Qi 李颀 , 075 – 古从军行 (An Old War-Song) (Mandarin) by Li Qi 李颀 , 076 – 洛阳女儿行 (A Song of a Girl from Luoyang) (Hokkien) by Wang Wei 王维 , 076 – 洛阳女儿行 (A Song of a Girl from Luoyang) (Mandarin) by Wang Wei 王维 , 077 – 老将行 (Song of an Old General) (Hokkien) by Wang Wei 王维 , 077 – 老将行 (Song of an Old General) (Mandarin) by Wang Wei 王维 , 078 – 桃源行 (A Song of Peach-Blossom River) (Hokkien) by Wang Wei 王维 , 078 – 桃源行 (A Song of Peach-Blossom River) (Mandarin) by Wang Wei 王维 , 079 – 蜀道难 (Hard Roads in Shu) (Hokkien) by Li Bai 李白 , 079 – 蜀道难 (Hard Roads in Shu) (Mandarin) by Li Bai 李白 , 080 – 长相思,其一 (Endless Yearning, I) (Hokkien) by Li Bai 李白 , 080 – 长相思,其一 (Endless Yearning, I) (Mandarin) by Li Bai 李白 , 080 – 长相思,其一 (Endless Yearning, I) (Taiwanese) by Li Bai 李白 , 081 – 长相思,其二 (Endless Yearning, II) (Hokkien) by Li Bai 李白 , 081 – 长相思,其二 (Endless Yearning, II) (Mandarin) by Li Bai 李白 , 081 – 长相思,其二 (Endless Yearning, II) (Taiwanese) by Li Bai 李白 , 082 – 行路难之一 (The Hard Road, I) (Hokkien) by Li Bai 李白 , 082 – 行路难之一 (The Hard Road, I) (Mandarin) by Li Bai 李白 , 083 – 行路难之二 (The Hard Road, II) (Hokkien) by Li Bai 李白 , 083 – 行路难之二 (The Hard Road, II) (Mandarin) by Li Bai 李白 , 084 – 行路难之三 (The Hard Road, III) (Hokkien) by Li Bai 李白 , 084 – 行路难之三 (The Hard Road, III) (Mandarin) by Li Bai 李白 , 085 – 將進酒 (Bringing in the Wine) (Hokkien) by Li Bai 李白 , 085 – 將進酒 (Bringing in the Wine) (Mandarin) by Li Bai 李白 , 085 – 將進酒 (Bringing in the Wine) (Taiwanese) by Li Bai 李白 , 086 – 兵车行 (A song of War-Charriots) (Hokkien) by Du Fu 杜甫 , 086 – 兵车行 (A song of War-Charriots) (Mandarin) by Du Fu 杜甫 , 087 – 丽人行 (A Song of Fair Women) (Hokkien) by Du Fu 杜甫 , 087 – 丽人行 (A Song of Fair Women) (Mandarin) by Du Fu 杜甫 , 088 – 哀江头 (A Song of Sobbing by the River) (Hokkien) by Du Fu 杜甫 , 088 – 哀江头 (A Song of Sobbing by the River) (Mandarin) by Du Fu 杜甫 , 089 – 哀王孙 (A Song of a Prince Deposed) (Hokkien) by Du Fu 杜甫 , 089 – 哀王孙 (A Song of a Prince Deposed) (Mandarin) by Du Fu 杜甫