The World's Best Poetry, Volume 2: Love (Part 2)

by VARIOUS ( - )

The Fire of Love: From the 'Examen Miscellaneum,' 1708 by Charles Sackville, Earl of Dorset

The World's Best Poetry, Volume 2: Love (Part 2)

The second of ten volumes of poetry edited by Canadian poet laureate Bliss Carman (1861-1929). This collection, the second of two parts, includes a range of famous and influential love poems relating to such topics as cautions and complaints; lovers; love's power; and wedded love. Summary by Tomas Peter.

Listen next episodes of The World's Best Poetry, Volume 2: Love (Part 2):
John Anderson, My Jo by Robert Burns , Laodamia by William Wordsworth , Not Ours the Vows by Bernard Barton , The Old Man Dreams by Oliver Wendell Holmes , 'Till Death Us Part' by Arthur Penrhyn Stanley