The Wild Huntress

by Thomas Mayne REID (1818 - 1883)

Pass by the Pursuit

The Wild Huntress

Marian and Lilian are two sisters living in the backwoods, somewhere in America, with their father as squatters. One May morning a man shows up, wanting to take Marian away as his wife while he makes his mark with the Mormons. But, another man holds Marian's heart, and he will go on his own adventure through the American west to track her down. (Summary by Ann Boulais)

Listen next episodes of The Wild Huntress:
A Beautiful Hostess , A Bloody Bridal , A Caravan Ball , A Fresh Éclaircissement , A Queer Conversation , A Rival Stalker , A Rough Drag , A Sister's Appeal , A True Tigress , An Unexpected Defection , Assuming the Disguise , Beauty Embrowned , Effecting the Surround , Further Reflections , Gabriella Gonzales , Maranee , Old Memories Awakened , Peg-Leg , Planning an Abduction , Playing Confessor , Protector and Protégée , Seeking a Cache , Spiritual Wives , Suspicious Appearances , The Charge , The Corralled Camp , The Death-Song , The History of the Huntress , The Mormon Train , The Night-Camp , The Surprise , The Track of the Moccasin , The Wild Huntress , The Yellow Duenna , To Horse and Away , Tragic and Comic , Un Paraiso , Wa-Ka-Ra