The Western United States

by Harold W. FAIRBANKS (1860 - )

The Mud Volcanoes of the Colorado Desert

The Western United States

"In preparation of this book the author has had in mind the needs of the upper grammar grades. The subject matter has not been selected with the object of covering the field of Western geography in a systematic manner, but instead the attempt has been made to picture as graphically as may be some of its more striking and interesting physical features, and the influence which these features have exerted upon its discovery and settlement." (from the Preface of The Western United States)

Listen next episodes of The Western United States:
Coal and Petroleum , Copper-Mining , Death Valley , Fremont's Adventures in the Great Basin , Gold and Gold-Mining , How Climate and Physical Features Influenced the Settlements of the West , Something About Irrigation , The Cliff Dwellers and Their Descendants , The Climate of the Pacific Slope , The Discovery of the Columbia River , The Forest Belt of the Sierra Nevada Mountains , The Great Basin and its Peculiar Lakes , The History of a Coast Line , The Life of the Desert , The Life of the Prospector , The Location of the Cities of the Pacific Slope , The National Parks and Forest Reserves , The Native Inhabitants of the Pacific Slope , The Pony Express , The Russians in California , The Skagit River , The Story of Great Salt Lake , The Story of Lake Chelan , The Story of Lewis and Clark