The Story of Manhattan

by Charles HEMSTREET (1866 - )

05 - Chapter V - William Kieft and the War with the Indians

The Story of Manhattan

The history of New York City is told as a story, in few words. It begins with Henry Hudson's discovery of Manhattan in 1609. And it finishes in 1898 when the island of Manhattan becomes the Borough of Manhattan of Greater New York. (Summary by Guero.)

Listen next episodes of The Story of Manhattan:
06 - Chapter VI - Peter Stuyvesant, the Last of the Dutch Governors , 07 - Chapter VII - New York Under the English and the Dutch , 08 - Chapter VIII - Something About the Bolting Act , 09 - Chapter IX - The Stirring Times of Jacob Leisler , 10 - Chapter X - The Sad End of Jacob Leisler , 11 - Chapter XI - Governor Fletcher and the Privateers , 12 - Chapter XII - Containing the True Life of Captain Kidd , 13 - Chapter XIII - Lord Cornbury makes Himself very Unpopular , 14 - Chapter XIV - Lord Lovelace and Robert Hunter , 15 - Chapter XV - Governor Burnet and the French Traders , 16 - Chapter XVI - The Trial of Zenger, the Printer , 17 - Chapter XVII - Concerning the Negro Plot , 18 - Chapter XVIII - The Tragic Death of Sir Danvers Osborne , 19 - Chapter XIX - The Beginning of Discontent , 20 - Chapter XX - The Story of the Stamp Act , 21 - Chapter XXI - The Beginning of Revolution , 22 - Chapter XXII - Fighting the Tax on Tea , 23 - Chapter XXIII - The Sons of Liberty at Turtle Bay , 24 - Chapter XXIV - The War of the Revolution , 25 - Chapter XXV - A Battle on Long Island , 26 - Chapter XXVI - The British Occupy New York , 27 - Chapter XXVII - The Battle of Harlem Heights , 28 - Chapter XXVIII - The British Fail to Sweep Everything Before Them , 29 - Chapter XXIX - New York a Prison House , 30 - Chapter XXX - After the War , 31 - Chapter XXXI - The First President of the United States , 32 - Chapter XXXII - The Welcome to George Washington , 33 - Chapter XXXIII - Concerning the Tammany Society and Burr's Bank , 34 - Chapter XXXIV - More about Hamilton and Burr , 35 - Chapter XXXV - Robert Fulton Builds a Steam-Boat , 36 - Chapter XXXVI - The City Plan , 37 - Chapter XXXVII - The Story of the Erie Canal , 38 - Chapter XXXVIII - The Building of the Croton Aqueduct , 39 - Chapter XXXIX - Professor Morse and the Telegraph , 40 - Chapter XL - The Greater New York , 41 - Table of Events