The Ship of Earth

by Sidney LANIER (1842 - 1881)

The Ship of Earth - Read by GB

The Ship of Earth

But how short was his day, and how slender his opportunity! From the time he was of age he waged a constant, courageous, hopeless fight against adverse circumstance for room to live and write. Much very dear, and sweet, and most sympathetic helpfulness he met in the city of his adoption, and from friends elsewhere, but he could not command the time and leisure which might have lengthened his life and given him opportunity to write the music and the verse with which his soul was teeming. Yet short as was his literary life, and hindered though it were, its fruit will fill a large space in the garnering of the poetic art of our country. (Poems of Sidney Lanier - Memorial by William Hayes Ward)

Listen next episodes of The Ship of Earth:
The Ship of Earth - Read by GG , The Ship of Earth - Read by HEJ , The Ship of Earth - Read by KJH , The Ship of Earth - Read by LAH , The Ship of Earth - Read by LLW , The Ship of Earth - Read by MSD , The Ship of Earth - Read by PA , The Ship of Earth - Read by RM , The Ship of Earth - Read by TP