The Shakespeare Story-Book

by Mary MACLEOD ( - )

Twelfth Night, Part 3: The Challenge

The Shakespeare Story-Book

This book contains many of Shakespeare's most famous plays, retold for children. - Summary by kathrinee

Listen next episodes of The Shakespeare Story-Book:
Cymbeline, Part 1: A Princess of Britain , Cymbeline, Part 2: How Iachimo Won his Wager, The Cave of Belarius , Cymbeline, Part 3: Fidele , Hamlet, Part 1: A Vision at Midnight , Hamlet, Part 2: Ophelia, ''Sweet Bells Jangled, Out of Tune and Harsh'' , Hamlet, Part 3: ''The Mouse-Trap'' , Hamlet, Part 4: ''Rosemary for Remembrance'' , Hamlet, Part 5: The King's Wager , King Lear, Part 1: The Dowerless Daughter , King Lear, Part 2: Goneril and Regan , King Lear, Part 3: Night and Storm , Macbeth, Part 1: The Weird Sisters , Macbeth, Part 2: At the Castle of Macbeth , Macbeth, Part 3: The Guest at the Banquet, The Witches' Cavern , Macbeth, Part 4: Birnam Wood , Othello, Part 1: ''Honest Iago'' , Othello, Part 2: Well Met at Cyprus , Othello, Part 3: The Handkerchief , Othello, Part 4: No Way but This , Romeo and Juliet, Part 1: The Masked Ball , Romeo and Juliet, Part 2: Mercutio , Romeo and Juliet, Part 3: ''Banished!,'' Comfort and Counsel , Romeo and Juliet, Part 4: The Palace of Dim NIght , The Comedy of Errors, Part 1: A Walk through Ephesus , The Comedy of Errors, Part 2: Confusion Worse Confounded , The Winter's Tale, Part 1: At the Palace of Leontes, The Oracle Speaks , The Winter's Tale, Part 2: A Queen of Curds and Cream, The Oracle Fulfilled , Twelfth Night, Part 4: Yellow Stockings, Sebastian and Viola