The Posthumous Essays of John Churton Collins

by John Churton COLLINS (1848 - 1908)

Samuel Johnson part 2

The Posthumous Essays of John Churton Collins

John Churton Collins was a literary critic who lived from 1848-1908. In 1904 John Collins became professor of English literature at Birmingham University (United Kingdom). He writes about the lives of English and German authors beginning with William Shakespeare (1564-1616) and ending with Alfred, Lord Tennyson(1809-1892). He wrote the book in response to On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History, by Thomas Carlyle (1840). His son, L.C. Collins, collected these essays from various sources after his father's death. (Summary by Craig Campbell) Additional proof-listening by Larry Wilson.

Listen next episodes of The Posthumous Essays of John Churton Collins:
William Godwin and Mary Wollstonecraft Part 2 , Browning and Butler , Browning and Lessing , Browning and Montaigne , Curiosities of Popular Proverbs Part 1 , Curiosities of Popular Proverbs Part 2 , Edmund Burke , Emerson , Emerson's Writings , Matthew Arnold Part 1 , Matthew Arnold Part 2 , Tennyson , William Godwin and Mary Wollstonecraft Part 1 , Wordsworth as a Teacher Part 1 , Wordsworth as a Teacher Part 2