The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit

by Reuben Archer TORREY (1856 - 1928)

The Holy Spirit Bearing Witness to Jesus Christ

The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit

Before one can correctly understand the work of the Holy Spirit, he must first of all know the Spirit Himself. A frequent source of error and fanaticism about the work of the Holy Spirit is the attempt to study and understand His work without first of all coming to know Him as a Person.It is of the highest importance from the standpoint of worship that we decide whether the Holy Spirit is a Divine Person, worthy to receive our adoration, our faith, our love, and our entire surrender to Himself, or whether it is simply an influence emanating from God or a power or an illumination that God imparts to us. If the Holy Spirit is a person, and a Divine Person, and we do not know Him as such, then we are robbing a Divine Being of the worship and the faith and the love and the surrender to Himself which are His due.It is also of the highest importance from the practical standpoint that we decide whether the Holy Spirit is merely some mysterious and wonderful power that we in our weakness and ignorance are somehow to get hold of and use, or whether the Holy Spirit is a real Person, infinitely holy, infinitely wise, infinitely mighty and infinitely tender who is to get hold of and use us. If we think of the Holy Spirit as so many do as merely a power or influence, our constant thought will be, “How can I get more of the Holy Spirit,” but if we think of Him in the Biblical way as a Divine Person, our thought will rather be, “How can the Holy Spirit have more of me?” (R. A. Torrey)

Listen next episodes of The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit:
Praying, Returning Thanks, Worshipping in the Holy Spirit , The Baptism With the Holy Spirit, part 1 , The Baptism With the Holy Spirit, part 2 , The Holy Spirit and the Believer's Body , The Holy Spirit as a Teacher , The Holy Spirit Bearing Witness to our Sonship , The Holy Spirit Bringing Forth in the Believer Christlike Graces of Character , The Holy Spirit Forming Christ Within Us , The Holy Spirit Guiding the Believer Into a Life as a Son , The Holy Spirit Sending Men Forth to Definite Lines of Work , The Holy Spirit Setting the Believer Free From the Power of Indwelling Sin , The Indwelling Spirit Fully and Forever Satisfying , The Regenerating Work of the Holy Spirit , The Work of the Holy Spirit In Jesus Christ , The Work of the Holy Spirit in Prophets and Apostles