The Mysterious Stranger and Other Stories

by Mark TWAIN (1835 - 1910)

Chapter 02

The Mysterious Stranger and Other Stories

Here's a Mark Twain story that's very unlike those he became famous for, but when I read it back in Catholic high school, it left a deep impression. It concerns the deeply religious residents of a small village in Austria during the late sixteenth century, and what happened to several of them when a strange man began to visit their insulated homeland. There's little of Twain's humor here; this is a horror story, a parable. . . and a warning. (Summary by Ted Delorme)

Listen next episodes of The Mysterious Stranger and Other Stories:
Chapter 03 , Chapter 04 , Chapter 05 , Chapter 06 , Chapter 07 , Chapter 08 , Chapter 09 , Chapter 10 , Chapter 11 , Chapter 12