The Magical Mimics in Oz

by Jack SNOW (1907 - 1956)

The Mimic Monarchs Lock Themselves In

The Magical Mimics in Oz

The land of OZ is the happiest fairyland anywhere, but there are evil creatures whose only ambition is to destroy that happiness. Lurking inside Mount Illuso, just south of the Deadly Desert, live the Magic Mimics, a race devoted to causing the maximum chaos and unhappiness everywhere, but mainly in the land of OZ. Until now they have been kept at bay by a spell, but when Princess Ozma leaves OZ for 3 days, their foul machinians are quicly put into play. Princess Dorothy is left in chage of OZ and must deal with these happiness crushing beings. Can she do it? Will Toto help? You bet!!! Listen to this rip snorting adventure in oz and enjoy all of your old friends again. .

Listen next episodes of The Magical Mimics in Oz:
A Web Is Woven , In the Chamber of Magic , In the Mirrored Ballroom , Ozana's Fairy Arts , The Grand Banquet , The Mimics in the Emerald City , The Return of Ozma and Glinda , The Shattering of the Mirrors , What the Magic Picture Revealed