The Last Chronicle of Barset (version 2)

by Anthony TROLLOPE (1815 - 1882)

LXX. Mrs Arabin is Caught

The Last Chronicle of Barset (version 2)

LibriVox reader Nicholas Clifford calls this Trollope's best novel in his introduction to the collaborative version of this fine novel - and he is right! A wonderful study of its central character, the proud, irascible, tormented, poverty-stricken clergyman, Josiah Crawley, who pays a heavy price for his human failings when he is brought to trial for the alleged theft of a cheque for twenty pounds. The trial is the source of much grief for his long-suffering family, not least his wife Mary and daughter Grace (the novel's romantic heroine), whilst the Reverend Crawley reminds us more and more of a mad King Lear on the heath. (Summary by Steve Gough)

Listen next episodes of The Last Chronicle of Barset (version 2):
LXXI. Mr Toogood at Silverbridge , LXXII. Mr Toogood at 'The Dragon of Wantly' , LXXIII. There is Comfort at Plumstead , LXXIV. The Crawleys are Informed , LXXIX. Mr Crawley Speaks of his Coat , LXXV. Madalina's Heart is Bleeding , LXXVI. I Think He is Light of Heart , LXXVII. The Shattered Tree , LXXVIII. The Arabins Return to Barchester , LXXX. Miss Demolines Desires to Become a Fingerpost , LXXXI. Barchester Cloisters , LXXXII. The Last Scene at Hogglestock , LXXXIII. Mr Crawley is Conquered , LXXXIV. Conclusion