The Jewel of Seven Stars

by Bram STOKER (1847 - 1912)

Strange Instructions

The Jewel of Seven Stars

The Jewel of Seven Stars (also published under the name: The Jewel of the Seven Stars) is a horror novel by Bram Stoker first published in 1903. The story is about an archaeologist's plot to revive Queen Tera, an ancient Egyptian mummy. (Summary by Wikipedia)

Listen next episodes of The Jewel of Seven Stars:
A Queen's Tomb , Awaking From the Trance , Doubts and Fears , More Strange Instructions , Suspicions , The Birth-Mark , The Cavern , The Finding of the Lamps , The Great Experiment , The Lesson of the 'Ka' , The Magic Coffer , The Need of Knowledge , The Purpose of Queen Tera , The Second Attempt , The Traveller's Loss , The Valley of the Sorcerer , The Watchers