The Forty-Five Guardsmen

by Alexandre DUMAS (1802 - 1870)

The journey

The Forty-Five Guardsmen

The sequel to "Chicot the Jester" and final book of the "Valois Romances." This story begins six years after the famed "Duel of the Mignons" between the favorites of the courts of King Henry III and Henry the Duke of Guise (somewhat allied with the King's brother, Francis, Duke of Anjou and Alencon). Dumas concludes his historical fiction on the War of the Three Henries while (1) detailing the formation of the Forty-Five Guardsmen (who were to become the Musketeers), (2) following Chicot the Jester as he stays loyal to the failing regency of King Henry III, and (3) continuing the story of Diana (a principal character in the previous book). - Summary by jvanstan

Listen next episodes of The Forty-Five Guardsmen:
Certainty , Doubt , Fatality , His Highness Monseigneur le Duc de Guise , How, after receiving news from the south, Henri received news from the north , How King Henri III. did not invite Grillon to breakfast, and how Chicot invited himself , Le Cardinal de Joyeuse , Les hospitalieres , News from Aurilly , Postscript , Showing how Chicot began to understand the purport of M. de Guise's letter , The Corne d'Abondance , The husband and the lover , The two companions , What happened in the little room