The Everlasting Righteousness

by Horatius BONAR (1808 - 1889)

Chapter II God's Recognition of Substitution

The Everlasting Righteousness

... or How Shall Man Be Just with God?How does salvation work? How does a righteous God declare an unrighteous person to be righteous in His sight? In this comprehensive and devotional study of justification by faith alone in the Person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ, Horatius Bonar answers these questions in a clear and wonderful way. Bonar has been called the prince of Scottish hymn writers. Quoting one of the 600 hymns he wrote, here is "righteous peace securely made" (Summary by Jay Reader) Additional proof-listening by Kimberly Krause.

Listen next episodes of The Everlasting Righteousness:
Chapter III The Completeness of the Substitution , Chapter IV The Declaration of the Completeness , Chapter IX The Pardon and the Peace Made Sure , Chapter V Righteousness for the Unrighteous , Chapter VI The Righteousness of God Reckoned to Us , Chapter VII Not Faith But Christ , Chapter VIII What the Resurrection of the Substitute Has Done , Chapter X The Holy Life of the Justified