The Bible For Young People Vol. 2

by ANONYMOUS ( - )

Jesus At The Feast Of Tabernacles

The Bible For Young People Vol. 2

"The Bible for Young People tells the sweet and simple stories of the Bible in the Bible language, omitting only genealogies and doctrines, and whatever is generally regarded as unprofitable to young readers. Moreover, it is so divided into subjects, forming complete stories, that the child will be interested in every part of it. ... "Verse divisions have been disregarded, and a totally new system of chapters introduced in place of the familiar ones, and it is hoped that this novelty will give fresh interest to the old book. One of the features which will be appreciated is the table of contents, giving the subject of each book and its subdivisions, so that one may readily turn to any Bible story of which he is in search. "With great discrimination and sympathy, the compiler, Mrs. Joseph B. Gilder, has accomplished this task, and the book now stands as the embodiment of what is universally considered the best in the Bible for young people, "best" meaning here what is most suited to the minds of girls and boys and appropriate to their moral range." Volume 2 comprises the stories of the New Testament. - Summary from Publisher's note

Listen next episodes of The Bible For Young People Vol. 2:
A Part Of The Epiostle Of Paul To The Hebrews , A Part Of The Epistle Of James , A Part Of The Epistle Of Paul To The Colossians , A Part Of The Epistle Of Paul To The Ephesians , A Part Of The Epistle Of Paul To The Galatians , A Part Of The Epistle Of Paul To The Philippians , A Part Of The Epistle Of Paul To The Romans , A Part Of The Epistle Of Paul To Timothy , A Part Of The Epistles Of Peter , A Part Of The First Epistle Of John , A Part Of The First Epistle Of Paul To The Corinthians , A Part Of The Second Epistle Of Paul To The Corinthians , Ananias And Sapphira , Appearances Of Christ After The Resurrection , Cornelius , Diana Of The Ephesians , Dorcas , Eutychus - The Elders Of Ephesus , Gallio , Jesus Betrayed And Denied , Jesus Blesses The Children , Jesus Comforts His Disciples , Jesus Condemned And Crucified , Jesus Goes Up To Jerusalem , Jesus Laments Over Jerusalem , Jesus Prays For His Disciples , Jesus Raises Lazarus , John To The Seven Churches Of Asia , Mission Of Paul And Barnabas To The Gentiles , Parable Of The Wedding Feast , Paul Accused Before Festus , Paul And Silas Imprisoned , Paul Goes Up To Jerusalem , Paul Preaches At Thessalonica, Athens And Corinth , Paul Sent To Rome , Paul Sent Unto Felix , Peter And John Cure The Lame man , Peter In Prison , Simon The Sorceror - The Ethiopian Eunuch , Stephen , Thanks And Prayer , The Ascension Of Christ , The Barren Fig Tree , The Blind Man At The Pool Of Siloam , The Conversion Of Saul , The Destruction Of The Temple And The End Of The World , The Good Samaritan , The Good Shepherd , The Holy Spirit Given , The Labourers , The Last Supper , The Light Of The World , The Lord's Prayer And Other Sayings Of Christ , The Lost Sheep, The Lost Coin, And The Prodigal Son , The New Jerusalem , The Parable Of The Wedding Supper , The Resurrection , The Throne And The Lamb , The True Vine , The Unjust Steward, The Rich Man and Lazarus , The Voice from Heaven , The Widow's Mite