The Awakening of Europe

by M. B. SYNGE (1861 - 1939)

In the Days of Oliver Cromwell

The Awakening of Europe

The Awakening of Europe by M. B. Synge is the third book in the series, Story of the World. Included in this history is a myriad of interesting men, women, and events that shaped Europe during the years 1520-1745. (Summary by Laura Caldwell)

Listen next episodes of The Awakening of Europe:
Anson's Voyage Round the World , Charles XII of Sweden , De Ruyter , How Peter the Great Learned Shipbuilding , Maria Theresa , The Battle of Blenheim , The Boyhood of Frederick the Great , The Founder of Pennsylvania , The Greatest General of His Age , The Greatness of France , The House of Orange , The 'Pilgrim's Progress' , The Siege of Vienna by the Turks , The Story of Scotland , The Story of the Huguenots , The Struggle in Ireland , Two Famous Admirals , William's Invitation