Stories of King Arthur and His Knights

by Uriel Waldo CUTLER (1854 - )

05 - The Noble Order of the Round Table

Stories of King Arthur and His Knights

Stories of King Arthur and His Knights retold from Malory's "Morte dArthur" (Full title of book)

Listen next episodes of Stories of King Arthur and His Knights:
06 - The ladies' knight , 07 - Wise Merlin's foolishness , 08 - A stag-hunt and what came of it , 09 - The treachery of Morgan le Fay , 10 - Sir Launcelot of the Lake , 11 - A night-time adventure of Sir Launcelot , 12 - How Launcelot came into the Chapel Perilous , 13 - The knight, the lady, and the falcon , 14 - How a kitchen-page came to honour , 15 - How Sir Gareth fought for the lady of Castle Perilous , 16 - How Sir Gareth returned to the court of King Arthur , 17 - How young Tristram saved the life of the queen of Lyonesse , 18 - Sir Tristram's first battle , 19 - Sir Tristram and the fair Isoud , 20 - How Sir Tristram demanded the fair Isoud for King Mark, and how Sir Tristram and Isoud drank the love potion , 21 - How Sir Tristram departed from Tintagil, and was long in the forest , 22 - How King Mark was sorry for the good renown of Sir Tristram , 23 - How Sir Percivale of Galis sought and found Sir Launcelot , 24 - Of the coming of Sir Galahad , 25 - How the quest of the Holy Grail was begun , 26 - How Galahad gat him a shield , 27 - Sir Galahad at the Castle of Maidens , 28 - Sir Launcelot's repentance , 29 - Sir Percivale's temptation , 30 - The victory of Sir Bors over himself , 31 - How Sir Launcelot found the Holy Grail , 32 - The end of the quest , 33 - Sir Launcelot and the Fair Maid of Astolat , 34 - Of the great tournament on Candlemas Day , 35 - Queen Guenever's May-Day ride and what came of it , 36 - Of the plot against Sir Launcelot , 37 - How Sir Launcelot departed from the King and from Joyous Gard , 38 - How King Arthur and Sir Gawaine invaded Sir Launcelot's realm , 39 - Of Sir Mordred's treason , 40 - Of Arthur's last great battle in the west , 41 - Of the passing of King Arthur , 42 - Of the end of this book