Song of the Sewing-Machine

by George Pope MORRIS (1802 - 1864)

Song of the Sewing-Machine - Read by MK

Song of the Sewing-Machine

George Pope Morris was an American editor, poet, and songwriter. Critic and writer Edgar Allan Poe acknowledged the popularity of Morris's songs, "which have taken fast hold upon the popular taste, and which are deservedly celebrated". In April 1840, Poe wrote that Morris was "very decidedly, our best writer of songsā€”and, in saying this, I mean to assign him a high rank as poet". Willis wrote of Morris: "He is just what poets would be if they sang like birds without criticism... nothing can stop a song of his". (Wikipedia)

Listen next episodes of Song of the Sewing-Machine:
Song of the Sewing-Machine - Read by MSD , Song of the Sewing-Machine - Read by NB