Saxon and Norman

by Amice MACDONELL ( - )

Act 1

Saxon and Norman

Edward the Confessor is very weak and will die soon. But with no son to succeed him, who will gain the throne? The common folk and loyal Saxon barons in England want Harold, while the Norman barons and the people in Normandy, France want Duke William. They claim Edward gave William the throne. Who is right? Will Britain be Normanized? - Summary by Esther ben Simonides Cast List King Edward the Confessor: Beth ThomasHarold, Earl of Wessex: Adele de PignerollesGyrth, brother to Harold; Cecilia, daughter of William and Matilda: RachelStigand, Archbishop of Canterbury: Mike HarrisWilliam, Duke of Normandy: Esther ben SimonidesOdo, Bishop of Bayeux, half-brother to William: MaryAnnSRobert "Courthose", son to William and Matilda; Gytha, mother to Harold: SoniaWilliam "Rufus", son to William and Matilda; William Malet, a Norman Baron: Tomas PeterLanfranc, Prior of Bec: ApneiaWilliam Fitzosbern, a Norman Baron: Larry WilsonRoger of Montgomery, a Norman Baron: NewgatenovelistHugh Margot, a Norman Monk: ToddHWA Saxon Messenger: David OlsonTaillefer, a Norman Minstrel: John BurlinsonA Hermit: Joseph TablerQueen Edith, wife to Edward the Confessor, sister to Harold: Kristin GjerløwEdith, called 'of the Swansneck': LydiaMatilda, Duchess of Normandy, wife to William: GeorgiaMNarrator: KHandAudio Edited by: Esther ben Simonides

Listen next episodes of Saxon and Norman:
Act 2 , Act 3 , Act 4