Royal Romances of Today

by Kellogg DURLAND (1881 - 1911)

Part II, Ch. VI - Family Life at the Russian Court

Royal Romances of Today

"In the year 1907, the Woman’s Home Companion commissioned me to go to Russia to write the story of the early days, courtship and marriage of her whom the world knows to-day as the 'Tsaritsa,' The following year, the same periodical sent me to Italy to write a similar account of the life of Queen Elena; and in 1910 I was once more sent abroad, this time to Spain, to learn all about Queen Victoria Eugenie....'Your task is difficult,'remarked a friend to whom I had just explained that I was writing the lives of the Empress of Russia, the Queen of Spain, and the Queen of Italy. 'Your task is difficult, because these are three good Queens, and good Queens, like all good women, have no history.' Now that I have told the stories of these three good Queens, I wonder if my friend will not grant that they have been worth the telling?" (from the Foreword)

Listen next episodes of Royal Romances of Today:
Part II, Ch. IX - The Tsarevitch , Part II, Ch. VII - The Grand Duchess Olga , Part II, Ch. VIII - Tatiana, Marie and Anastasie , Part II, Ch. X - The End of the Road , Part III, Ch. II - The Romance , Part III, Ch. III - Victor Emmanuel , Part III, Ch. IV - A Royal Honeymoon , Part III, Ch. V - Elena the Mother , Part III, Ch. VI - Simplicity of the Italian Court , Part III, Ch. VII - The Heroism of Queen Elena , Part III, Ch. VIII - Elena the Queen , Part III - Queen Elena of Italy, Ch. I - A Mountain Princess