Ox-Team Days on the Oregon Trail
by Ezra MEEKER (1830 - 1928)
This is a memoir by an early 19th Century American settler in the Pacific Northwest. (Description by BellonaTimes)
Listen next episodes of
Ox-Team Days on the Oregon Trail:
18 - Indian War Days ,
19 - The Stampede for the Gold Diggings ,
20 - Making a Permanent Home in the Wilds ,
21 - Finding and Losing a Fortune ,
22 - Trying for a Fortune in Alaska ,
23 - A Plan for a Memorial to the Pioneers ,
24 - On the Overland Trail Again ,
25 - Trailing On to the South Pass ,
26 - Reviving Old Memories of the Trail ,
27 - A Bit of Bad Luck ,
28 - Driving On to the Capital ,
29 - The End of the Long Trail