Over the Top

by Arthur Guy EMPEY (1883 - 1963)

Ch. 20 – Chats With Fritz; Ch. 21 – About Turn

Over the Top

Arthur Guy Empey was an American who responded to the sinking of the Lusitania by enlisting with the British Army to fight in France. His experiences in the trenches, including his ultimate wounding and convalescence, became this book. When published in 1917, it was a major hit and helped the recruiting effort when America entered the Great War.If you've heard of the horror of trench warfare in WWI and want to see it from below dirt level, Empey offers it all here.Also included is Empey's popular "Tommy's Dictionary of the Trenches" which humorously demistifies the slang used by the British soldier. (Summary by Mark F. Smith)

Listen next episodes of Over the Top:
Ch. 22 – Punishments & Machine-gun Stunts; Ch. 23 – Gas Attacks & Spies , Ch. 24 – The Firing Squad , Ch. 25 – Preparing for the Big Push; Ch. 26 – All Quiet ? On the Western Front , Ch. 27 – Blighty