Myths of Babylonia and Assyria

by Donald Alexander MACKENZIE (1873 - 1936)

07 - Chapter 6: Wars of the City States of Sumer and Akkad (Part 1)

Myths of Babylonia and Assyria

Donald Alexander Mackenzie (1873 – March 2, 1936) was a Scottish journalist and prolific writer on religion, mythology and anthropology in the early 20th century. His works included Indian Myth and Legend, Celtic Folklore and Myths of China and Japan. As well as writing books, articles and poems, he often gave lectures, and also broadcast talks on Celtic mythology. This volume deals with the myths and legends of Babylonia and Assyria, and as these reflect the civilization in which they developed, a historical narrative has been provided, beginning with the early Sumerian Age and concluding with the periods of the Persian and Grecian Empires. Over thirty centuries of human progress are thus passed under review. (Summary extracted from Wikipedia and the Preface of this book)

Listen next episodes of Myths of Babylonia and Assyria:
08 - Chapter 6: Wars of the City States of Sumer and Akkad (Part 2) , 09 - Chapter 7: Creation Legend: Merodach the Dragon Slayer , 10 - Chapter 8: Deified Heroes: Etana and Gilgamesh , 11 - Chapter 9: Deluge Legend, the Island of the Blessed, and Hades , 12 - Chapter 10: Buildings and Laws and Customs of Babylon , 13 - Chapter 11: The Golden Age of Babylonia , 14 - Chapter 12: Rise of the Hittites, Mitannians, Kassites, Hyksos, and Assyrians , 15 - Chapter 13: Astrology and Astronomy (Part 1) , 16 - Chapter 13: Astrology and Astronomy (Part 2) , 17 - Chapter 14: Ashur the National God of Assyria (Part 1) , 18 - Chapter 14: Ashur the National God of Assyria (Part 2) , 19 - Chapter 15: Conflicts for Trade and Supremacy , 20 - Chapter 16: Race Movements that Shattered Empires , 21 - Chapter 17: The Hebrews in Assyrian History , 22 - Chapter 18: The Age of Semiramis , 23 - Chapter 19: Assyria's Age of Splendour (Part 1) , 24 - Chapter 19: Assyria's Age of Splendour (Part 2) , 25 - Chapter 20: The Last Days of Assyria and Babylonia