Mark Twain's Speeches, Part 2

by Mark TWAIN (1835 - 1910)

Dinner Speech - Lord Mayor's Dinner for the Savage Club, Mansion House, London, June 29, 1907

Mark Twain's Speeches, Part 2

This collection of the 195 known, publicly-printed speeches of Mark Twain (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) was compiled by Paul Fatout and published by the University of Iowa Press. The speeches are in the Public Domain, and our thanks go to the University of Iowa for making them available for this Public Domain audio recording. They were compiled in the University of Iowa Press book entitled "Mark Twain Speaking" and are arranged, chronologically, from Twain's first authenticated public speech in 1864, to his last speech, exactly 7 months before he died. Extensive analysis (for instance how other publications interpreted identical interview sessions), notes, appendix and index are included in the printed work. - Summary by John Greenman

Listen next episodes of Mark Twain's Speeches, Part 2:
Bishop Speech - Between October 5 and 17, 1907 , Dinner Speech - Lotos Club Dinner for Andrew Carnegie, March 17, 1909 , Dinner Speech - New York Postgraduate Medical School and Hospital Dinner, Delmonicco's, New York, January 20, 1909 , Interview - Dockside, New York, July 22, 1907 , Interview - New York, April 13, 1908 , Last Known Comments - Concert, Stormfield, Redding, Connecticut, September 21st, 1909 , Our Guest - Lord Mayor's Banquet for Mark Twain, Town Hall, Liverpool, July 10, 1907 , Remarks - The Misses Tewksbury's School Graduation, Baltimore, Maryland, June 9, 1909 , Story - Told to Garrison Children, Hamilton, Bermuda, April 6, 1908