Lion Ben of Elm Island

by Elijah KELLOGG (1813 - 1901)

Elm Island

Lion Ben of Elm Island

An adventure story for boys, in which the author aims to "impart pleasure, and, at the same time, inspire respect for labor, integrity and every noble sentiment". There is a sense of nostalgia, as Kellogg sets his story in bygone days, when the grandfathers of his readers were mere boys, facing the challenges and perils of frontier life and developing the character needed to transform the wilderness in to the land of freedom and plenty. - Summary by Lynne Thompson

Listen next episodes of Lion Ben of Elm Island:
An Ungrateful Boy , Ben Buys Elm Island , Ben Confides In Uncle Isaac, And Is Comforted , Ben Outwitted, And Uncle Isaac Astonished , Ben's Courtship , Ben's Novel Ship , Breaking Ground On Elm Island , Captain Rhines Riding Out A gale Before The Fire , Encouraging Native Talent , Injured People Have Long Memories , Pete, In Quest Of Revenge, Comes To Grief , Peter Clash And The Wolf-Trap , Sally Tells Her Mother All About It , The Bridal Call , The Christening , The Pull-Up , The Rhines Family , The Surprise Party , They Marry, And Go On To The Island , Tige Rhines , Too Good A Chance To Lose , Why The Boys Liked Uncle Isaac