Grimms' Fairy Tales

by Jacob & Wilhelm GRIMM (1785 - 1863)

Little Peasant, The

Grimms' Fairy Tales

A classic collection of oral German folklore, brought together for posterity by the scholarly brothers Grimm in the 1800s, this epitome of fairy tales includes many of the world’s best known stories. In these dark foreboding woods, you will find: Rapunzel, Hansel and Gretel, Rumpelstiltskin, Lily and the Lion (better known as Beauty and the Beast), and Snow White and Rose Red, among other timeless works. These tales were later heavily revised and sanitised, but here are presented closer to their grim and beloved originals. (Summary by Marlo Dianne)

Listen next episodes of Grimms' Fairy Tales:
Appendix – About the Brothers Grimm , Ashputtel , Blue Light, The , Cat-skin , Clever Elsie , Clever Hans , Doctor Knowall , Elves and the Shoemaker, The , Four Clever Brothers, The , Fox and The Cat, The , Fox and the Horse, The , Frederick and Catherine , Golden Goose, The , Iron Hans , Juniper Tree, The , King Grisly-Beard , King of The Golden Mountain, The , Lily and The Lion , Miser in the Bush, The , Pink, The , Queen Bee, The , Raven, The , Salad, The , Seven Ravens, The , Snow White and Rose Red , Snowdrop , Story of The Youth, The , Sweetheart Roland , Three Languages, The , Turnip, The , Twelve Huntsmen, The , Water of Life, The , Wedding of Mrs Fox, The , White Snake, The , Wolf and the Seven Little Kids, The