Famous Men of Rome

by John Henry HAAREN (1855 - 1916)

Numa Pompilius

Famous Men of Rome

Biographical sketches of the men of Rome, written for children. (summary by Laura Caldwell)

Listen next episodes of Famous Men of Rome:
Appius Claudius Caecus , Augustus , Camillus , Cato the Censor , Cicero , Cincinnatus , Constantine the Great , Coriolanus , End of the Western Empire , Horatius , Julius Caesar , Junius Brutus , Manlius Torquatus , Marcus Aurelius , Marius , Mucius the Left-Handed , Nero , Pompey the Great , Regulus , Scipio Africanus , Sulla , The Fabii , The Gracchi , The Horatii and the Curiatii , The Tarquins , Titus , Trajan