Faery Tales from Hans Christian Andersen

by Hans Christian ANDERSEN (1805 - 1875)

The Mermaid

Faery Tales from Hans Christian Andersen

This is a 1910 edition of the Fairy Tales of Hans Christian Andersen. This volume is nicely mixed, containing both the most famous tales as well as some which are not quite as well-known. The translation is adapted for American readership and in some ways brings a new facet to some of the stories. Listeners may want to have a look at the online text for its beautiful colour illustrations. - Summary by Carolin

Listen next episodes of Faery Tales from Hans Christian Andersen:
A Picture from the Ramparts , A Rose from Homer's Grave , Great Claus and Little Claus , Hans Clodhopper , Holger the Dane , Little Tuk , Olé Luköié, the Dustman , Psyche , The Angel , The Bell , The Bottle Neck , The Bronze Boar , The Butterfly , The Elf-Hill , The Emperor's New Clothes , The Flying Trunk , The Garden of Paradise , The Girl who Trod on the Loaf , The Goblin and the Huckster , The Goloshes of Fortune , The Little Match Girl , The Marsh King's Daughter, part 1 , The Marsh King's Daughter, part 2 , The Naughty Boy , The Nightingale , The Real Princess , The Red Shoes , The Rose Elf , The Snail and the Rose-Bush , The Snow Queen, part 1 , The Snow Queen, part 2 , The Steadfast Tin Soldier , The Storks , The Story of a Mother , The Swineherd , The Tinder Box , The Travelling Companions , The Ugly Duckling , The Wild Swans , The Wind's Tale , Thumbelisa , What the Moon Saw, part 1 , What the Moon Saw, part 2