
by Robert G. INGERSOLL (1833 - 1899)

12. A Tribute To Courtlandt Palmer


From Volume 12 of the Dresden Edition of The Works of Robert G. Ingersoll, entitled Miscellany, this audio book delivers the final chapters, 21 stirring tributes delivered by Colonel Ingersoll (The Great Agnostic) at the funerals or grave sides of, or published, of persons he greatly admired. Included are George Jacob Holyoake, Benjamin W. Parker, Ebon C. Ingersoll, Rev. Alexander Clark, John G. Mills, Elizur Wright, Mrs. Ida Whiting Knowles, Henry Ward Beecher, Roscoe Conkling, Richard H. Whiting, Courtlandt Palmer, Mrs. Mary H. Fiske, Horace Seaver, Lawrence Barrett, Walt Whitman, Philo D. Beckwith, Aton Seidl, Dr. Thomas Seton Robertson, Thomas Corwin, Isaac H. Bailey, and Harrison G. Fiske. (Summary by Michele Fry)

Listen next episodes of Eulogies:
13. A Tribute To Mrs. Mary H. Fiske , 14. A Tribute To Horace Seaver , 15. A Tribute To Lawrence Barrett , 16. A Tribute To Walt Whitman , 17. A Tribute To Philo D. Beckwith , 18. A Tribute To Anton Seidl , 19. A Tribute To Dr. Thomas Seton Robertson , 20. A Tribute To Thomas Corwin , 21. A Tribute To Isaac H. Bailey