England Since Waterloo

by John Arthur Ransome MARRIOTT (1859 - 1945)

Ch. 3: The Holy Alliance--Castlereagh and Canning--England and Europe (1815-1830), Pt. 1

England Since Waterloo

"England Since Waterloo" by Sir John Arthur Ransome Marriott (1859-1945) was first published in 1913 and went through many editions. The author taught history at Worcester College, Oxford for thirty-six years and served as a Conservative member of Parliament for fifteen. "England Since Waterloo" begins with the defeat of Napoleon who, Marriott writes, was impotent "to assail English power at sea, foiled in his attempt to ruin her commerce...overwhelmed under Russian snows, and finally conquered by the genius of Wellington." He portrays the people and the events of nineteenth century Britain, ending his narrative with the death of Queen Victoria in 1901. We see the "ascendancy of Science and Industry...the advent of Democracy...and the extension of Empire" in this panoramic survey of reform at home and imperialism abroad. - Summary by Pamela Nagami

Listen next episodes of England Since Waterloo:
Ch. 3: The Holy Alliance--Castlereagh and Canning--England and Europe (1815-1830), Pt. 2 , Ch. 4: The Last Years of Tory Rule (1822-1830)--Social and Fiscal Reforms--Catholic Emancipation, Pt. 2 , Ch. 5: Parliamentary Reform and After (1830-1833), Pt. 2 , Ch. 6: Irish Affairs--O'Connell and the Whigs (1833-1837), Pt. 2 , Ch. 7: The First Years of the New Reign (1837-1841), Pt. 2 , Ch. 8: The Foreign Policy of Lord Palmerston (1830-1841), Pt. 2 , Ch. 9: Robert Peel's Ministry (1841-1846), Pt. 2 , Ch. 10: Lord John Russell's First Administration (1846-1852)--The Irish Famine and Its Consequences, Pt. 2 , Ch. 11: Great Britain and Continental Politics (1846-1852)--Lord Palmerston and Queen Victoria, Pt. 2 , Ch. 12: The Coalition and the Crimean War (1852-1855), Pt. 2 , Ch. 13: War and Peace--The Palmerston Ministry (1855-1857), Pt. 2 , Ch. 14: Growth of the British Power in India (1740-1856), Pt. 2 , Ch. 16: Domestic Administration (1858-1860)--England and Italy, Pt. 2 , Ch. 17: The Rule of Lord Palmerston--The Civil War in America--The Danish Duchies--The Close of an Epoch (1861-1865), Pt. 2 , Ch. 18: 'The Leap in the Dark'--The Advent of Democracy (1865-1868), Pt. 2 , Ch. 19: Colonial and Foreign Policy--The Dominion of Canada, Pt. 2 , Ch. 20: The Irish Question--Ecclesiastical, Agrarian, Political, Pt. 2 , Ch. 22: Administrative Reform and Foreign Affairs (1868-1874), Pt. 2 , Ch. 23: The New Toryism--Imperium et Sanitas (1874-1878), Pt. 2 , Ch. 24: Afghanistan and South Africa (1878-1880), Pt. 2 , Ch. 25: The Gladstone Administration--Ireland and Egypt (1880-1885), Pt. 2 , Ch. 26: Epilogue (1885-1901)--Democracy and Empire--Close of the Victorian Era, Pt. 2 , Ch. 10: Lord John Russell's First Administration (1846-1852)--The Irish Famine and Its Consequences, Pt. 1 , Ch. 11: Great Britain and Continental Politics (1846-1852)--Lord Palmerston and Queen Victoria, Pt. 1 , Ch. 12: The Coalition and the Crimean War (1852-1855), Pt. 1 , Ch. 13: War and Peace--The Palmerston Ministry (1855-1857), Pt. 1 , Ch. 14: Growth of the British Power in India (1740-1856), Pt. 1 , Ch. 15: The Indian Mutiny (1856-1858), Pt. 1 , Ch. 15: The Indian Mutiny (1856-1858), Pt. 2 , Ch. 16: Domestic Administration (1858-1860)--England and Italy, Pt. 1 , Ch. 17: The Rule of Lord Palmerston--The Civil War in America--The Danish Duchies--The Close of an Epoch (1861-1865), Pt. 1 , Ch. 18: 'The Leap in the Dark'--The Advent of Democracy (1865-1868), Pt. 1 , Ch. 19: Colonial and Foreign Policy--The Dominion of Canada, Pt. 1 , Ch. 20: The Irish Question--Ecclesiastical, Agrarian, Political, Pt. 1 , Ch. 21: National Education, Pt. 1 , Ch. 21: National Education, Pt. 2 , Ch. 22: Administrative Reform and Foreign Affairs (1868-1874), Pt. 1 , Ch. 23: The New Toryism--Imperium et Sanitas (1874-1878), Pt. 1 , Ch. 24: Afghanistan and South Africa (1878-1880), Pt. 1 , Ch. 25: The Gladstone Administration--Ireland and Egypt (1880-1885), Pt. 1 , Ch. 26: Epilogue (1885-1901)--Democracy and Empire--Close of the Victorian Era, Pt. 1 , Ch. 4: The Last Years of Tory Rule (1822-1830)--Social and Fiscal Reforms--Catholic Emancipation, Pt. 1 , Ch. 5: Parliamentary Reform and After (1830-1833), Pt. 1 , Ch. 6: Irish Affairs--O'Connell and the Whigs (1833-1837), Pt. 1 , Ch. 7: The First Years of the New Reign (1837-1841), Pt. 1 , Ch. 8: The Foreign Policy of Lord Palmerston (1830-1841), Pt. 1 , Ch. 9: Robert Peel's Ministry (1841-1846), Pt. 1