Edward the First

by Thomas Frederick TOUT (1855 - 1929)

Ch. 1: Early Years--1239-1258, Pt. 2

Edward the First

Edward I of England (1239-1307) will always be remembered as the "Hammer of the Scots" who condemned William Wallace (Braveheart) to a traitor's death in 1297. But Edward was one of England's greatest statesman-kings. In this short biography the British historian, Thomas Frederick Tout writes of Edward that he was "a man of unusual and commanding height," lean and powerful, who, despite a slight stammer, was able to "speak with a simple and natural eloquence that often moved his susceptible auditors to tears." Edward conquered Wales, reformed the legal and judicial systems of England, curbed the power of the church, and through conquest and diplomacy managed to subdue the ambitions of the wily French King, Philip the Fair.

Listen next episodes of Edward the First:
Ch. 2: Edward and the Baron's Wars--1258-1267, Pt. 2 , Ch. 5: Edward's Continental Policy--1272-1289, Pt. 2 , Ch. 12: The Conquest of Scotland--1297-1305, Pt. 2 , Ch. 10: The Scottish Overlordship--1286-1292 , Ch. 11: The Years of Crisis--1293-1297, Pt. 1 , Ch. 11: The Years of Crisis--1293-1297, Pt. 2 , Ch. 12: The Conquest of Scotland--1297-1305, Pt. 1 , Ch. 13: The End of the Reign--1305-1307 , Ch. 2: Edward and the Baron's Wars--1258-1267, Pt. 1 , Ch. 3: Edward as a Crusader--1268-1272 , Ch. 4: The King and his Work, Pt. 1 , Ch. 4: The King and his Work, Pt. 2 , Ch. 5: Edward's Continental Policy--1272-1289, Pt. 1 , Ch. 6: The Conquest and Settlement of the Principality of Wales--1274-1301 , Ch. 7: Edward's Legislation--1275-1290 , Ch. 8: Edward and the Three Estates--The Development of the Parliamentary System , Ch. 9: Edward and the Church--1272-1294